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Helium Induced Nitrogen Salt at High Pressure

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 نشر من قبل Xiang-Feng Zhou
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The energy landscape of helium-nitrogen mixtures is explored by ab initio evolutionary searches, which predicted several stable helium-nitrogen compounds in the pressure range from 25 to 100 GPa. In particular, the monoclinic structure of HeN$_{22}$ consists of neutral He atoms, partially ionic dimers N$_{2}$$^{delta-}$, and lantern-like cages N$_{20}$$^{delta+}$. The presence of helium not only greatly enhances structural diversity of nitrogen solids, but also tremendously lowers the formation pressure of nitrogen salt. The unique nitrogen framework of (HeN$_{20}$)$^{delta+}$N$_{2}$$^{delta-}$ may be quenchable to ambient pressure even after removing helium. The estimated energy density of N$_{20}$$^{delta+}$N$_{2}$$^{delta-}$ (10.44 kJ/g) is $sim$2.4 times larger than that of trinitrotoluene (TNT), indicating a very promising high-energy-density material.

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X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering measurements, and first-principles calculations are performed to search for the formation of NaCl-hydrogen compound. When NaCl and H$_{2}$ mixture is laser-heated to above 1500 K at pressures exceeding 40 GPa, w e observed the formation of NaClH$_{textit{x}}$ with $textit{P}$6$_{3}$/$textit{mmc}$ structure which accommodates H$_{2}$ molecules in the interstitial sites of NaCl lattice forming ABAC stacking. Upon the decrease of pressure at 300 K, NaClH$_textit{x}$ remains stable down to 17 GPa. Our calculations suggest the observed NaClH$_{textit{x}}$ is NaCl(H$_{2}$). Besides, a hydrogen-richer phase NaCl(H$_{2}$)$_{4}$ is predicted to become stable at pressures above 40 GPa.
611 - Jian Sun 2012
The phase diagram and equation of state of dense nitrogen are of interest in understanding the fundamental physics and chemistry under extreme conditions, including planetary processes, and in discovering new materials. We predict several stable phas es of nitrogen at multi-TPa pressures, including a P4/nbm structure consisting of partially charged N2 pairs and N5 tetrahedra, which is stable in the range 2.5-6.8 TPa. This is followed by a modulated layered structure between 6.8 and 12.6 TPa, which also exhibits a significant charge transfer. The P4/nbm metallic nitrogen salt and the modulated structure are stable at high pressures and temperatures, and they exhibit strongly ionic features and charge density distortions, which is unexpected in an element under such extreme conditions and could represent a new class of nitrogen materials. The P-T phase diagram of nitrogen at TPa pressures is investigated using quasiharmonic phonon calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations.
Helium is generally understood to be chemically inert and this is due to its extremely stable closed-shell electronic configuration, zero electron affinity and an unsurpassed ionization potential. It is not known to form thermodynamically stable comp ounds, except a few inclusion compounds. Here, using the ab initio evolutionary algorithm USPEX and subsequent high-pressure synthesis in a diamond anvil cell, we report the discovery of a thermodynamically stable compound of helium and sodium, Na2He, which has a fluorite-type structure and is stable at pressures >113 GPa. We show that the presence of He atoms causes strong electron localization and makes this material insulating. This phase is an electride, with electron pairs localized in interstices, forming eight-centre two-electron bonds within empty Na8 cubes. We also predict the existence of Na2HeO with a similar structure at pressures above 15 GPa.
Understanding the behavior of molecular systems under pressure is a fundamental problem in condensed matter physics. In the case of nitrogen, the determination of the phase diagram and in particular of the melting line, are largely open problems. Two independent experiments have reported the presence of a maximum in the nitrogen melting curve, below 90 GPa, however the position and the interpretation of the origin of such maximum differ. By means of ab initio molecular dynamics simulations based on density functional theory and thermodynamic integration techniques, we have determined the phase diagram of nitrogen in the range between 20 and 100 GPa. We find a maximum in the melting line, related to a transformation in the liquid, from molecular N_2 to polymeric nitrogen accompanied by an insulator-to-metal transition.
Supersolid is a mysterious and puzzling state of matter whose possible existence has stirred a vigorous debate among physicists for over 60 years. Its elusive nature stems from the coexistence of two seemingly contradicting properties, long-range ord er and superfluidity. We report computational evidence of a supersolid phase of deuterium under high pressure ($p >800$ GPa) and low temperature (T $<$ 1.0 K). In our simulations, that are based on bosonic path integral molecular dynamics, we observe a highly concerted exchange of atoms while the system preserves its crystalline order. The exchange processes are favoured by the soft core interactions between deuterium atoms that form a densely packed metallic solid. At the zero temperature limit, Bose-Einstein condensation is observed as the permutation probability of $N$ deuterium atoms approaches $1/N$ with a finite superfluid fraction. Our study provides concrete evidence for the existence of a supersolid phase in high-pressure deuterium and could provide insights on the future investigation of supersolid phases in real materials.
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