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A Tchebycheffian extension of multi-degree B-splines: Algorithmic computation and properties

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 نشر من قبل Deepesh Toshniwal
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper we present an efficient and robust approach to compute a normalized B-spline-like basis for spline spaces with pieces drawn from extended Tchebycheff spaces. The extended Tchebycheff spaces and their dimensions are allowed to change from interval to interval. The approach works by constructing a matrix that maps a generalized Bernstein-like basis to the B-spline-like basis of interest. The B-spline-like basis shares many characterizing properties with classical univariate B-splines and may easily be incorporated in existing spline codes. This may contribute to the full exploitation of Tchebycheffian splines in applications, freeing them from the restricted role of an elegant theoretical extension of polynomial splines. Numerical examples are provided that illustrate the procedure described.

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122 - Franco Ferrari , Yani Zhao 2014
In mathematics there is a wide class of knot invariants that may be expressed in the form of multiple line integrals computed along the trajectory C describing the spatial conformation of the knot. In this work it is addressed the problem of evaluati ng invariants of this kind in the case in which the knot is discrete, i.e. its trajectory is constructed by joining together a set of segments of constant length. Such discrete knots appear almost everywhere in numerical simulations of systems containing one dimensional ring-shaped objects. Examples are polymers, the vortex lines in fluids and superfluids like helium and other quantum liquids. Formally, the trajectory of a discrete knot is a piecewise smooth curve characterized by sharp corners at the joints between contiguous segments. The presence of these corners spoils the topological invariance of the knot invariants considered here and prevents the correct evaluation of their values. To solve this problem, a smoothing procedure is presented, which eliminates the sharp corners and transforms the original path C into a curve that is everywhere differentiable. The procedure is quite general and can be applied to any discrete knot defined off or on lattice. This smoothing algorithm is applied to the computation of the Vassiliev knot invariant of degree 2 denoted here with the symbol r(C). This is the simplest knot invariant that admits a definition in terms of multiple line integrals. For a fast derivation of r(C), it is used a Monte Carlo integration technique. It is shown that, after the smoothing, the values of r(C) may be evaluated with an arbitrary precision. Several algorithms for the fast computation of the Vassiliev knot invariant of degree 2 are provided.
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