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Adaptive Rotating-Wave Approximation for Driven Open Quantum Systems

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 نشر من قبل Brian Baker
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a numerical method to approximate the long-time asymptotic solution $rho_infty(t)$ to the Lindblad master equation for an open quantum system under the influence of an external drive. The proposed scheme uses perturbation theory to rank individual drive terms according to their dynamical relevance, and adaptively determines an effective Hamiltonian. In the constructed rotating frame, $rho_infty$ is approximated by a time-independent, nonequilibrium steady-state. This steady-state can be computed with much better numerical efficiency than asymptotic long-time evolution of the system in the lab frame. We illustrate the use of this method by simulating recent transmission measurements of the heavy-fluxonium device, for which ordinary time-dependent simulations are severely challenging due to the presence of metastable states with lifetimes of the order of milliseconds.

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اقرأ أيضاً

226 - Chris Fleming 2010
We provide an in-depth and thorough treatment of the validity of the rotating-wave approximation (RWA) in an open quantum system. We find that when it is introduced after tracing out the environment, all timescales of the open system are correctly re produced, but the details of the quantum state may not be. The RWA made before the trace is more problematic: it results in incorrect values for environmentally-induced shifts to system frequencies, and the resulting theory has no Markovian limit. We point out that great care must be taken when coupling two open systems together under the RWA. Though the RWA can yield a master equation of Lindblad form similar to what one might get in the Markovian limit with white noise, the master equation for the two coupled systems is not a simple combination of the master equation for each system, as is possible in the Markovian limit. Such a naive combination yields inaccurate dynamics. To obtain the correct master equation for the composite system a proper consideration of the non-Markovian dynamics is required.
Open quantum systems can display periodic dynamics at the classical level either due to external periodic modulations or to self-pulsing phenomena typically following a Hopf bifurcation. In both cases, the quantum fluctuations around classical soluti ons do not reach a quantum-statistical stationary state, which prevents adopting the simple and reliable methods used for stationary quantum systems. Here we put forward a general and efficient method to compute two-time correlations and corresponding spectral densities of time-periodic open quantum systems within the usual linearized (Gaussian) approximation for their dynamics. Using Floquet theory we show how the quantum Langevin equations for the fluctuations can be efficiently integrated by partitioning the time domain into one-period duration intervals, and relating the properties of each period to the first one. Spectral densities, like squeezing spectra, are computed similarly, now in a two-dimensional temporal domain that is treated as a chessboard with one-period x one-period cells. This technique avoids cumulative numerical errors as well as efficiently saves computational time. As an illustration of the method, we analyze the quantum fluctuations of a damped parametrically-driven oscillator (degenerate parametric oscillator) below threshold and far away from rotating-wave approximation conditions, which is a relevant scenario for modern low-frequency quantum oscillators. Our method reveals that the squeezing properties of such devices are quite robust against the amplitude of the modulation or the low quality of the oscillator, although optimal squeezing can appear for parameters that are far from the ones predicted within the rotating-wave approximation.
147 - Wei Wu , , Maoxin Liu 2017
We investigate the effect of counter-rotating-wave terms on the non-Markovianity in quantum open systems by employing the hierarchical equations of motion in the framework of the non-Markovian quantum state diffusion approach. As illustrative example s, the non-Markovian memory effect of a qubit embedded in a bosonic and a fermionic environment at zero temperature are analyzed. It is found that the counter-rotating-wave terms are able to enhance the observed non-Markovianity no matter the environment is composed of bosons or fermions. This result suggests that the rotating-wave approximation may inevitably reduce the non-Markovianity in quantum open systems. Moreover, we find that the modification of the non-Markovianity due to the different statistical properties of environmental modes becomes larger with the increase of the system-environment coupling strength.
355 - Adriano A. Batista 2015
Here we use perturbation techniques based on the averaging method to investigate Rabi oscillations in cw and pulse-driven two-level systems (TLSs). By going beyond the rotating-wave approximation, especifically to second-order in perturbation, we obt ain the Bloch-Siegert shift of the TLS resonant frequency, in which the resonant frequency increases with the driving field amplitude. This frequency shift implies that short resonant $pi$-pulses in which the Rabi frequency is approximately 40% or higher of the transition frequency do not achieve complete inversion in TLSs. Hence, guided by analytical results based on the averaging technique, we propose two methods for obtaining population
484 - H. Zheng , S. Y. Zhu 2008
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