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Construction C*: an inter-level coded version of Construction C

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 نشر من قبل Maiara F. Bollauf
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Besides all the attention given to lattice constructions, it is common to find some very interesting nonlattice constellations, as Construction C, for example, which also has relevant applications in communication problems (multi-level coding, multi-stage decoding, good quantization efficieny). In this work we present a constellation which is a subset of Construction C, based on inter-level coding, which we call Construction C*. This construction may have better immunity to noise and it also provides a simple way of describing the Leech lattice $Lambda_{24}.$ A condition under which Construction C* is a lattice constellation is given.

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Construction C (also known as Forneys multi-level code formula) forms a Euclidean code for the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel from $L$ binary code components. If the component codes are linear, then the minimum distance is the same for all the points, although the kissing number may vary. In fact, while in the single level ($L=1$) case it reduces to lattice Construction A, a multi-level Construction C is in general not a lattice. We show that the two-level ($L=2$) case is special: a two-level Construction C satisfies Forneys definition for a geometrically uniform constellation. Specifically, every point sees the same configuration of neighbors, up to a reflection of the coordinates in which the lower level code is equal to 1. In contrast, for three levels and up ($Lgeq 3$), we construct examples where the distance spectrum varies between the points, hence the constellation is not geometrically uniform.
Construction $C^star$ was recently introduced as a generalization of the multilevel Construction C (or Forneys code-formula), such that the coded levels may be dependent. Both constructions do not produce a lattice in general, hence the central idea of this paper is to present a 3-level lattice Construction $C^star$ scheme that admits an efficient nearest-neighborhood decoding. In order to achieve this objective, we choose coupled codes for levels 1 and 3, and set the second level code C2 as an independent linear binary self-dual code, which is known to have a rich mathematical structure among families of linear codes. Our main result states a necessary and sufficient condition for this construction to generate a lattice. We then present examples of efficient lattices and also non-lattice constellations with good packing properties.
In this letter, we propose a progressive rate-filling method as a framework to study agile construction of multilevel polar-coded modulation. We show that the bit indices within each component polar code can follow a fixed, precomputed ranking sequen ce, e.g., the Polar sequence in the 5G standard, while their allocated rates (i.e., the number of information bits of each component polar code) can be fast computed by exploiting the target sum-rate approximation and proper rate-filling methods. In particular, we develop two rate-filling strategies based on the capacity and the rate considering the finite block-length effect. The proposed construction methods can be performed independently of the actual channel condition with ${Oleft(mright)}$ ($m$ denotes the modulation order) complexity and robust to diverse modulation and coding schemes in the 5G standard, which is a desired feature for practical systems.
167 - J. Pujol , J. Rif`a , L. Ronquillo 2009
The well known Plotkin construction is, in the current paper, generalized and used to yield new families of Z2Z4-additive codes, whose length, dimension as well as minimum distance are studied. These new constructions enable us to obtain families of Z2Z4-additive codes such that, under the Gray map, the corresponding binary codes have the same parameters and properties as the usual binary linear Reed-Muller codes. Moreover, the first family is the usual binary linear Reed-Muller family.
New quaternary Plotkin constructions are given and are used to obtain new families of quaternary codes. The parameters of the obtained codes, such as the length, the dimension and the minimum distance are studied. Using these constructions new famili es of quaternary Reed-Muller codes are built with the peculiarity that after using the Gray map the obtained Z4-linear codes have the same parameters and fundamental properties as the codes in the usual binary linear Reed-Muller family. To make more evident the duality relationships in the constructed families the concept of Kronecker inner product is introduced.
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