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Nonreciprocal propagation of surface acoustic wave in Ni/LiNbO3

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 نشر من قبل Ryo Sasaki
 تاريخ النشر 2016
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We have investigated surface acoustic wave propagation in Ni/LiNbO$_3$ hybrid devices. We have found the absorption and phase velocity are dependent on the sign of wave vector in a device, which indicates the nonreciprocal propagation characteristic of systems with time reversal and spatial inversion simultaneously broken symmetries. The nonreciprocity is reversed by the 180$^circ$ rotation of magnetic field. Nonreciprocity seems largely dependent on the shape of ferromagnetic Ni film. The origin of these observations is ascribed to film shape dependent magnetoelastic coupling.

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One of the most fundamental forms of magnon-phonon interaction is an intrinsic property of magnetic materials, the magnetoelastic coupling. This particular form of interaction has been the basis for describing magnetic materials and their strain rela ted applications, where strain induces changes of internal magnetic fields. Different from the magnetoelastic coupling, more than 40 years ago, it was proposed that surface acoustic waves may induce surface magnons via rotational motion of the lattice in anisotropic magnets. However, a signature of this magnon-phonon coupling mechanism, termed magneto-rotation coupling, has been elusive. Here, we report the first observation and theoretical framework of the magneto-rotation coupling in a perpendicularly anisotropic ultra-thin film Ta/CoFeB(1.6 nm)/MgO, which consequently induces nonreciprocal acoustic wave attenuation with a unprecedented ratio up to 100$%$ rectification at the theoretically predicted optimized condition. Our work not only experimentally demonstrates a fundamentally new path for investigating magnon-phonon coupling, but also justify the feasibility of the magneto-rotation coupling based application.
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Spin current, i.e. the flow of spin angular momentum or magnetic moment, has recently attracted much attention as the promising alternative for charge current with better energy efficiency. Genuine spin current is generally carried by the spin wave ( propagating spin precession) in insulating ferromagnets, and should hold the chiral symmetry when it propagates along the spin direction. Here, we experimentally demonstrate that such a spin wave spin current (SWSC) shows nonreciprocal propagation characters in a chiral-lattice ferromagnet. This phenomenon originates from the interference of chirality between the SWSC and crystal-lattice, which is mediated by the relativistic spin-orbit interaction. The present finding enables the design of perfect spin current diode, and highlights the importance of the chiral aspect in SWSC.
352 - Scott R. Johnston 2017
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