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Phase and Amplitude dynamics of nonlinearly coupled oscillators

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 نشر من قبل Peter Cudmore
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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This paper addresses the amplitude and phase dynamics of a large system non-linear coupled, non-identical damped harmonic oscillators, which is based on recent research in coupled oscillation in optomechanics. Our goal is to investigate the existence and stability of collective behaviour which occurs due to a play-off between the distribution of individual oscillator frequency and the type of nonlinear coupling. We show that this system exhibits synchronisation, where all oscillators are rotating at the same rate, and that in the synchronised state the system has a regular structure related to the distribution of the frequencies of the individual oscillators. Using a geometric description we show how changes in the non-linear coupling function can cause pitchfork and saddle-node bifurcations which create or destroy stable and unstable synchronised solutions. We apply these results to show how in-phase and anti-phase solutions are created in a system with a bi-modal distribution of frequencies.

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اقرأ أيضاً

244 - Carlo R. Laing 2019
We consider networks formed from two populations of identical oscillators, with uniform strength all-to-all coupling within populations, and also between populations, with a different strength. Such systems are known to support chimera states in whic h oscillators within one population are perfectly synchronised while in the other the oscillators are incoherent, and have a different mean frequency from those in the synchronous population. Assuming that the oscillators in the incoherent population always lie on a closed smooth curve $mathcal{C}$, we derive and analyse the dynamics of the shape of $mathcal{C}$ and the probability density on $mathcal{C}$, for four different types of oscillators. We put some previously derived results on a rigorous footing, and analyse two new systems.
We explore the coherent dynamics in a small network of three coupled parametric oscillators and demonstrate the effect of frustration on the persistent beating between them. Since a single-mode parametric oscillator represents an analog of a classica l Ising spin, networks of coupled parametric oscillators are considered as simulators of Ising spin models, aiming to efficiently calculate the ground state of an Ising network - a computationally hard problem. However, the coherent dynamics of coupled parametric oscillators can be considerably richer than that of Ising spins, depending on the nature of the coupling between them (energy preserving or dissipative), as was recently shown for two coupled parametric oscillators. In particular, when the energy-preserving coupling is dominant, the system displays everlasting coherent beats, transcending the Ising description. Here, we extend these findings to three coupled parametric oscillators, focusing in particular on the effect of frustration of the dissipative coupling. We theoretically analyze the dynamics using coupled nonlinear Mathieus equations, and corroborate our theoretical findings by a numerical simulation that closely mimics the dynamics of the system in an actual experiment. Our main finding is that frustration drastically modifies the dynamics. While in the absence of frustration the system is analogous to the two-oscillator case, frustration reverses the role of the coupling completely, and beats are found for small energy-preserving couplings.
Many studies of synchronization properties of coupled oscillators, based on the classical Kuramoto approach, focus on ensembles coupled via a mean field. Here we introduce a setup of Kuramoto-type phase oscillators coupled via two mean fields. We der ive stability properties of the incoherent state and find traveling wave solutions with different locking patterns; stability properties of these waves are found numerically. Mostly nontrivial states appear when the two fields compete, i.e. one tends to synchronize oscillators while the other one desynchronizes them. Here we identify normal branches which bifurcate from the incoherent state in a usual way, and anomalous branches, appearance of which cannot be described as a bifurcation. Furthermore, hybrid branches combining properties of both are described. In the situations where no stable traveling wave exists, modulated quasiperiodic in time dynamics is observed. Our results indicate that a competition between two coupling channels can lead to a complex system behavior, providing a potential generalized framework for understanding of complex phenomena in natural oscillatory systems.
We study the effects of delayed coupling on timing and pattern formation in spatially extended systems of dynamic oscillators. Starting from a discrete lattice of coupled oscillators, we derive a generic continuum theory for collective modes of long wavelength. We use this approach to study spatial phase profiles of cellular oscillators in the segmentation clock, a dynamic patterning system of vertebrate embryos. Collective wave patterns result from the interplay of coupling delays and moving boundary conditions. We show that the phase profiles of collective modes depend on coupling delays.
We study dynamics of two coupled periodically driven oscillators. Important example of such a system is a dynamic vibration absorber which consists of a small mass attached to the primary vibrating system of a large mass. Periodic solutions of the approximate effective equation are determined within the Krylov-Bogoliubov-Mitropolsky approach to get the amplitude profiles $AOmega) $. Dependence of the amplitude $A$ of nonlinear resonances on the frequency $ Omega $ is much more complicated than in the case of one Duffing oscillator and hence new nonlinear phenomena are possible. In the present paper we study metamorphoses of the function $A(Omega) $ induced by changes of the control parameters.
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