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The space photometry revolution and our understanding of RR Lyrae stars

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 نشر من قبل Robert Szabo
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The study of RR Lyrae stars has recently been invigorated thanks to the long, uninterrupted, ultra-precise time series data provided by the Kepler and CoRoT space telescopes. We give a brief overview of the new observational findings concentrating on the connection between period doubling and the Blazhko modulation, and the omnipresence of additional periodicities in all RR Lyrae subtypes, except for non-modulated RRab stars. Recent theoretical results demonstrate that if more than two modes are present in a nonlinear dynamical system such as a high-amplitude RR Lyrae star, the outcome is often an extremely intricate dynamical state. Thus, based on these discoveries, an underlying picture of complex dynamical interactions between modes is emerging which sheds new light on the century-old Blazhko-phenomenon, as well. New directions of theoretical efforts, like multi-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations, future space photometric missions and detailed spectroscopic investigations will pave the way towards a more complete understanding of the atmospheric and pulsation dynamics of these enigmatic touchstone objects.

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We present the method of the Extended Aperture Photometry (EAP) that we applied to K2 RR Lyrae stars. Our aim is to minimize the instrumental variations of attitude control maneuvers by using apertures that cover the positional changes in the field o f view thus contain the stars during the whole observation. We present example light curves that we compared to the light curves from the K2 Systematics Correction (K2SC) pipeline applied to the automated Single Aperture Photometry (SAP) and to the Pre-search Data Conditioning Simple Aperture Photometry (PDCSAP) data.
116 - E. Plachy , L. Molnar , A. Bodi 2018
Thousands of RR Lyrae stars have been observed by the textit{Kepler} space telescope so far. We developed a photometric pipeline tailored to the light variations of these stars, called the Extended Aperture Photometry (EAP). We present the comparison of our photometric solutions for Campaigns 0 through 6 with the other pipelines available, e.g., SAP/PDCSAP, K2P2, EVEREST, and others. We focus on the problems caused by instrumental effects and the detectability of the low-amplitude additional modes.
RR Lyrae stars for a long time had the reputation of being rather simple pulsators, but the advent of high-precision space photometry has meanwhile changed this picture dramatically. This article summarizes the results obtained for two remarkable Bla zhko RR Lyrae stars and discusses how our view of RR Lyrae stars has changed since the availability of ultra-precise satellite photometry as it is obtained by CoRoT and Kepler. Both stars, CoRoT 105288363 and V445 Lyrae, show a multitude of phenomena that were impossible to observe from the ground, either because of the small amplitude of the effect, or because uninterrupted long-term monitoring was required for a detection. Not only was it found that strong and irregular cycle-to-cycle changes of the Blazhko effect can occur, and that seemingly chaotic phenomena need to be accounted for when modeling the Blazhko effect, but also a rich spectrum of low-amplitude frequencies was detected in addition to the fundamental radial pusation in RRab stars. The so-called period doubling phenomenon, higher radial overtones and possibly also non-radial modes make RR Lyrae stars more multifaceted than previously thought. This article presents the various aspects of irregularity of the Blazhko effect, questioning its long-standing definition as a periodic modulation, and also discusses the low-amplitude pulsation signatures that had been hidden in the noise of observations for centuries.
The long-term behaviours of the pulsation and Blazhko periods of RR Lyr are investigated by means of Kepler and ground-based observations. The difficulties in detecting additional modes in the Cepheids monitored with CoRoT are discussed.
The textit{Kepler} space telescope observed thousands of RR Lyrae stars in the K2 mission. In this paper we present our photometric solutions using extended apertures in order to conserve the flux of the stars to the highest possible extent. With thi s method we are able to avoid most of the problems that RR Lyrae light curves produced by other pipelines suffer from. For post-processing we apply the K2SC pipeline to our light curves. We provide the EAP (Extended Aperture Photometry) of 432 RR Lyrae stars observed in campaigns 3, 4, 5, and 6. We also provide subclass classifications based on Fourier parameters. We investigated in particular the presence of the Blazhko effect in the stars, and found it to be 44.7% among the RRab stars, in agreement with results from independent samples. We found that the amplitude and phase modulation in the Blazhko stars may behave rather differently, at least over the length of a K2 Campaign. We also identified four anomalous Cepheid candidates in the sample one of which is potentially the first Blazhko-modulated member of its class.
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