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Beamline Instrumentation for Future Parity-Violation Experiments

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 نشر من قبل Robert Michaels
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Robert Michaels

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The parity-violating electron scattering community has made tremendous progress over the last twenty five years in their ability to measure tiny asymmetries of order 100 parts per billion (ppb) with beam-related corrections and systematic errors of a few ppb. Future experiments are planned for about an order of magnitude smaller asymmetries and with higher rates in the detectors. These new experiments pose new challenges for the beam instrumentation and for the strategy for setting up the beam. In this contribution to PAVI14 I discuss several of these challenges and demands, with a focus on developments at Jefferson Lab.

قيم البحث

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These reports present the results of the 2013 Community Summer Study of the APS Division of Particles and Fields (Snowmass 2013) on the future program of particle physics in the U.S. Chapter 8, on the Instrumentation Frontier, discusses the instrumen tation needs of future experiments in the Energy, Intensity, and Cosmic Frontiers, promising new technologies for particle physics research, and issues of gathering resources for long-term research in this area.
A bubble chamber has been developed to be used as an active target system for low energy nuclear astrophysics experiments. Adopting ideas from dark matter detection with superheated liquids, a detector system compatible with gamma-ray beams has been developed. This detector alleviates some of the limitations encountered in standard measurements of the minute cross sections of interest to stellar environments. While the astrophysically relevant nuclear reaction processes at hydrostatic burning temperatures are dominated by radiative captures, in this experimental scheme we measure the time-reversed processes. Such photodisintegrations allow us to compute the radiative capture cross sections when transitions to excited states of the reaction products are negligible. Due to the transformation of phase space, the photodisintegration cross sections are up to two orders of magnitude higher. The main advantage of the new target-detector system is a density several orders of magnitude higher than conventional gas targets. Also, the detector is virtually insensitive to the gamma-ray beam itself, thus allowing us to detect only the products of the nuclear reaction of interest. The development and the operation as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the bubble chamber are discussed.
A possible experimental setup for measuring the effect of parity violation in the interaction of the polarized proton or deuteron beams with an unpolarized target is discussed. One possibility is investigation of scattering of the proton or deuteron polarized beams on a thick internal target in one of the rings of the NICA collider. In this case, the spin of a circulating particles is transformed into a mode precessing in the horizontal plane using an RF flipper. The effect of parity violation will be studied by measuring the correlation of the interaction cross section of particles and the direction of their spins. In an alternative approach, the flipper transforms the spins of particles into a horizontal plane and the beam is extracted into the channel in a certain phase of the precession. In this more traditional experimental setup, the total cross section of the passage of particles through a dense target is measured, depending on the sign of the helicity of the polarization of the beam.
Absolute neutrino cross section measurements at the GeV scale are ultimately limited by the knowledge of the initial $ u$ flux. In order to evade such limitation and reach the accuracy that is needed for precision oscillation physics ($sim 1$%), subs tantial advances in flux measurement techniques are requested. We discuss here the possibility of instrumenting the decay tunnel to identify large-angle positrons and monitor $ u_e$ production from $K^+ rightarrow e^+ u_e pi^0$ decays. This non conventional technique opens up opportunities to measure the $ u_e$ CC cross section at the per cent level in the energy range of interest for DUNE/HK. We discuss the progress in the simulation of the facility (beamline and instrumentation) and the ongoing R&D.
The history and phenomenology of hadronic parity nonconservation (PNC) is reviewed. We discuss the current status of the experimental tests and theory. We describe a re-analysis of the asymmetry for polarized proton-proton scattering that, when combi ned with other experimental constraints and with a recent lattice QCD calculation of the weak pion-nucleon coupling, reveals a much more consistent pattern of PNC couplings. In particular, isoscalar coupling strengths are similar to but somewhat larger than the best value estimate of Donoghue, Desplanques, and Holstein, while both lattice QCD and experiment indicate a suppressed parity-nonconserving pion-nucleon coupling. We discuss the relationship between meson-exchange models of hadronic PNC and formulations based on effective theory, stressing their general compatibility as well as the challenge presented to theory by experiment, as several of the most precise measurements involve significant momentum scales. Future directions are proposed.
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