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Studying the validity of relativistic hydrodynamics with a new exact solution of the Boltzmann equation

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 نشر من قبل Michael Strickland
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present an exact solution to the Boltzmann equation which describes a system undergoing boost-invariant longitudinal and azimuthally symmetric radial expansion for arbitrary shear viscosity to entropy density ratio. This new solution is constructed by considering the conformal map between Minkowski space and the direct product of three dimensional de Sitter space with a line. The resulting solution respects SO(3)_q x SO(1,1) x Z_2 symmetry. We compare the exact kinetic solution with exact solutions of the corresponding macroscopic equations that were obtained from the kinetic theory in ideal and second-order viscous hydrodynamic approximations. The macroscopic solutions are obtained in de Sitter space and are subject to the same symmetries used to obtain the exact kinetic solution.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We have developed a numerical framework for a full solution of the relativistic Boltzmann equations for the quark-gluon matter using the multiple Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) on distributed clusters. Including all the $2 to 2$ scattering processe s of 3-flavor quarks and gluons, we compute the time evolution of distribution functions in both coordinate and momentum spaces for the cases of pure gluons, quarks and the mixture of quarks and gluons. By introducing a symmetrical sampling method on GPUs which ensures the particle number conservation, our framework is able to perform the space-time evolution of quark-gluon system towards thermal equilibrium with high performance. We also observe that the gluons naturally accumulate in the soft region at the early time, which may indicate the gluon condensation.
The Chapman-Enskog method of solution of the relativistic Boltzmann equation is generalized in order to admit a time-derivative term associated to a thermodynamic force in its first order solution. Both existence and uniqueness of such a solution are proved based on the standard theory of integral equations. The mathematical implications of the generalization here introduced are thoroughly discussed regarding the nature of heat as chaotic energy transfer in the context of relativity theory.
The off-diagonal Bethe ansatz method is generalized to the integrable model associated with the $sp(4)$ (or $C_2$) Lie algebra. By using the fusion technique, we obtain the complete operator product identities among the fused transfer matrices. These relations, together with some asymptotic behaviors and values of the transfer matrices at certain points, enable us to determine the eigenvalues of the transfer matrices completely. For the periodic boundary condition case, we recover the same $T-Q$ relations obtained via conventional Bethe ansatz methods previously, while for the off-diagonal boundary condition case, the eigenvalues are given in terms of inhomogeneous $T-Q$ relations, which could not be obtained by the conventional Bethe ansatz methods. The method developed in this paper can be directly generalized to generic $sp(2n)$ (i.e., $C_n$) integrable model.
217 - M. Mendoza , I. Karlin , S. Succi 2013
We develop a relativistic lattice Boltzmann (LB) model, providing a more accurate description of dissipative phenomena in relativistic hydrodynamics than previously available with existing LB schemes. The procedure applies to the ultra-relativistic r egime, in which the kinetic energy (temperature) far exceeds the rest mass energy, although the extension to massive particles and/or low temperatures is conceptually straightforward. In order to improve the description of dissipative effects, the Maxwell-Juettner distribution is expanded in a basis of orthonormal polynomials, so as to correctly recover the third order moment of the distribution function. In addition, a time dilatation is also applied, in order to preserve the compatibility of the scheme with a cartesian cubic lattice. To the purpose of comparing the present LB model with previous ones, the time transformation is also applied to a lattice model which recovers terms up to second order, namely up to energy-momentum tensor. The approach is validated through quantitative comparison between the second and third order schemes with BAMPS (the solution of the full relativistic Boltzmann equation), for moderately high viscosity and velocities, and also with previous LB models in the literature. Excellent agreement with BAMPS and more accurate results than previous relativistic lattice Boltzmann models are reported.
The Izergin-Korepin model with general non-diagonal boundary terms, a typical integrable model beyond A-type and without U(1)-symmetry, is studied via the off-diagonal Bethe ansatz method. Based on some intrinsic properties of the R-matrix and the K- matrices, certain operator product identities of the transfer matrix are obtained at some special points of the spectral parameter. These identities and the asymptotic behaviors of the transfer matrix together allow us to construct the inhomogeneous T-Q relation and the associated Bethe ansatz equations. In the diagonal boundary limit, the reduced results coincide exactly with those obtained via other methods.
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