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A unified approach to marginal equivalence in the general framework of group invariance

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 نشر من قبل Hidehiko Kamiya
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث الاحصاء الرياضي
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Hidehiko Kamiya

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Two Bayesian models with different sampling densities are said to be marginally equivalent if the joint distribution of observables and the parameter of interest is the same for both models. We discuss marginal equivalence in the general framework of group invariance. We introduce a class of sampling models and establish marginal equivalence when the prior for the nuisance parameter is relatively invariant. We also obtain some robustness properties of invariant statistics under our sampling models. Besides the prototypical example of $v$-spherical distributions, we apply our general results to two examples---analysis of affine shapes and principal component analysis.

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An important problem in large scale inference is the identification of variables that have large correlations or partial correlations. Recent work has yielded breakthroughs in the ultra-high dimensional setting when the sample size $n$ is fixed and t he dimension $p rightarrow infty$ ([Hero, Rajaratnam 2011, 2012]). Despite these advances, the correlation screening framework suffers from some serious practical, methodological and theoretical deficiencies. For instance, theoretical safeguards for partial correlation screening requires that the population covariance matrix be block diagonal. This block sparsity assumption is however highly restrictive in numerous practical applications. As a second example, results for correlation and partial correlation screening framework requires the estimation of dependence measures or functionals, which can be highly prohibitive computationally. In this paper, we propose a unifying approach to correlation and partial correlation mining which specifically goes beyond the block diagonal correlation structure, thus yielding a methodology that is suitable for modern applications. By making connections to random geometric graphs, the number of highly correlated or partial correlated variables are shown to have novel compound Poisson finite-sample characterizations, which hold for both the finite $p$ case and when $p rightarrow infty$. The unifying framework also demonstrates an important duality between correlation and partial correlation screening with important theoretical and practical consequences.
We consider the asymptotic behaviour of the marginal maximum likelihood empirical Bayes posterior distribution in general setting. First we characterize the set where the maximum marginal likelihood estimator is located with high probability. Then we provide oracle type of upper and lower bounds for the contraction rates of the empirical Bayes posterior. We also show that the hierarchical Bayes posterior achieves the same contraction rate as the maximum marginal likelihood empirical Bayes posterior. We demonstrate the applicability of our general results for various models and prior distributions by deriving upper and lower bounds for the contraction rates of the corresponding empirical and hierarchical Bayes posterior distributions.
116 - Weizhen Wang 2021
We introduce a general method, named the h-function method, to unify the constructions of level-alpha exact test and 1-alpha exact confidence interval. Using this method, any confidence interval is improved as follows: i) an approximate interval, inc luding a point estimator, is modified to an exact interval; ii) an exact interval is refined to be an interval that is a subset of the previous one. Two real datasets are used to illustrate the method.
The existence of the maximum likelihood estimate in hierarchical loglinear models is crucial to the reliability of inference for this model. Determining whether the estimate exists is equivalent to finding whether the sufficient statistics vector $t$ belongs to the boundary of the marginal polytope of the model. The dimension of the smallest face $F_t$ containing $t$ determines the dimension of the reduced model which should be considered for correct inference. For higher-dimensional problems, it is not possible to compute $F_{t}$ exactly. Massam and Wang (2015) found an outer approximation to $F_t$ using a collection of sub-models of the original model. This paper refines the methodology to find an outer approximation and devises a new methodology to find an inner approximation. The inner approximation is given not in terms of a face of the marginal polytope, but in terms of a subset of the vertices of $F_t$. Knowing $F_t$ exactly indicates which cell probabilities have maximum likelihood estimates equal to $0$. When $F_t$ cannot be obtained exactly, we can use, first, the outer approximation $F_2$ to reduce the dimension of the problem and, then, the inner approximation $F_1$ to obtain correct estimates of cell probabilities corresponding to elements of $F_1$ and improve the estimates of the remaining probabilities corresponding to elements in $F_2setminus F_1$. Using both real-world and simulated data, we illustrate our results, and show that our methodology scales to high dimensions.
Multivariate distributions are explored using the joint distributions of marginal sample quantiles. Limit theory for the mean of a function of order statistics is presented. The results include a multivariate central limit theorem and a strong law of large numbers. A result similar to Bahadurs representation of quantiles is established for the mean of a function of the marginal quantiles. In particular, it is shown that [sqrt{n}Biggl(frac{1}{n}sum_{i=1}^nphibigl(X_{n:i}^{(1)},...,X_{n:i}^{(d)}bigr)-bar{gamma}Biggr)=frac{1}{sqrt{n}}sum_{i=1}^nZ_{n,i}+mathrm{o}_P(1)] as $nrightarrowinfty$, where $bar{gamma}$ is a constant and $Z_{n,i}$ are i.i.d. random variables for each $n$. This leads to the central limit theorem. Weak convergence to a Gaussian process using equicontinuity of functions is indicated. The results are established under very general conditions. These conditions are shown to be satisfied in many commonly occurring situations.
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