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Distortion and electric field control of band structure of silicene

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 نشر من قبل Gul Rahman Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Gul Rahman

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Density functional theory with local density approximation for exchange and correlation functional is used to tune the electronic band structure of silicene monolayer. The cohesive energy of free standing monolayer is increasing (decreasing) with external electric field (distortion). Electrons in silicene behave like Dirac fermions, when the bond angle between the Si atoms is larger than $sim 102^{0}$. Large distortions destroy the electronic structure of silicene and silicene is no longer a semi-metallic material, and the distorted silicene acts like an $n$-doped system. Electric field opens a band gap around $K$ point in the Brillouin zone, which increases with electric field. The bond angle between the Si atoms is a key player to determine the presence or absence of Dirac cones in silicene.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Polar textures have attracted significant attention in recent years as a promising analog to spin-based textures in ferromagnets. Here, using optical second harmonic generation based circular dichroism, we demonstrate deterministic and reversible con trol of chirality over mesoscale regions in ferroelectric vortices using an applied electric field. The microscopic origins of the chirality, the pathway during the switching, and the mechanism for electric-field control are described theoretically via phase-field modeling and second-principles simulations, and experimentally by examination of the microscopic response of the vortices under an applied field. The emergence of chirality from the combination of non-chiral materials and subsequent control of the handedness with an electric field has far-reaching implications for new electronics based on chirality as a field controllable order parameter.
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