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Topological Order and Absence of Band Insulators at Integer Filling in Non-Symmorphic Crystals

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 نشر من قبل Siddharth Parameswaran
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Band insulators appear in a crystalline system only when the filling -- the number of electrons per unit cell and spin projection -- is an integer. At fractional filling, an insulating phase that preserves all symmetries is a Mott insulator, i.e. it is either gapless or, if gapped, displays fractionalized excitations and topological order. We raise the inverse question -- at an integer filling is a band insulator always possible? Here we show that lattice symmetries may forbid a band insulator even at certain integer fillings, if the crystal is non-symmorphic -- a property shared by a majority of three-dimensional crystal structures. In these cases, one may infer the existence of topological order if the ground state is gapped and fully symmetric. This is demonstrated using a non-perturbative flux threading argument, which has immediate applications to quantum spin systems and bosonic insulators in addition to electronic band structures in the absence of spin-orbit interactions.

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We study the competition between Kondo screening and frustrated magnetism on the non-symmorphic Shastry-Sutherland Kondo lattice at a filling of two conduction electrons per unit cell. A previous analysis of this model identified a set of gapless par tially Kondo screened phases intermediate between the Kondo-destroyed paramagnet and the heavy Fermi liquid. Based on crystal symmetries, we argue that (i)~both the paramagnet and the heavy Fermi liquid are {it semimetals} protected by a glide symmetry; and (ii)~partial Kondo screening breaks the symmetry, removing this protection and allowing the partially-Kondo-screened phase to be deformed into a Kondo insulator via a Lifshitz transition. We confirm these results using large-$N$ mean field theory and then use non-perturbative arguments to derive a generalized Luttinger sum rule constraining the phase structure of 2D non-symmorphic Kondo lattices beyond the mean-field limit.
In this work, we identify a new class of Z2 topological insulator protected by non-symmorphic crystalline symmetry, dubbed a topological non-symmorphic crystalline insulator. We construct a concrete tight-binding model with the non-symmorphic space g roup pmg and confirm the topological nature of this model by calculating topological surface states and defining a Z2 topological invariant. Based on the projective representation theory, we extend our discussion to other non-symmorphic space groups that allows to host topological non-symmorphic crystalline insulators.
At partial filling of a flat band, strong electronic interactions may favor gapped states harboring emergent topology with quantized Hall conductivity. Emergent topological states have been found in partially filled Landau levels and Hofstadter bands ; in both cases, a large magnetic field is required to engineer the underlying flat band. The recent observation of quantum anomalous Hall effects (QAH) in narrow band moire systems has led to the theoretical prediction that such phases may be realized even at zero magnetic field. Here we report the experimental observation of insulators with Chern number $C=1$ in the zero magnetic field limit at $ u=3/2$ and $7/2$ filling of the moire superlattice unit cell in twisted monolayer-bilayer graphene (tMBG). Our observation of Chern insulators at half-integer values of $ u$ suggests spontaneous doubling of the superlattice unit cell, in addition to spin- and valley-ferromagnetism. This is confirmed by Hartree-Fock calculations, which find a topological charge density wave ground state at half filling of the underlying $C=2$ band, in which the Berry curvature is evenly partitioned between occupied and unoccupied states. We find the translation symmetry breaking order parameter is evenly distributed across the entire folded superlattice Brillouin zone, suggesting that the system is in the flat band, strongly correlated limit. Our findings show that the interplay of quantum geometry and Coulomb interactions in moire bands allows for topological phases at fractional superlattice filling that spontaneously break time-reversal symmetry, a prerequisite in pursuit of zero magnetic field phases harboring fractional statistics as elementary excitations or bound to lattice dislocations.
We characterize gapless edge modes in translation invariant topological insulators. We show that the edge mode spectrum is a continuous deformation of the spectrum of a certain gluing function defining the occupied state bundle over the Brillouin zon e (BZ). Topologically non-trivial gluing functions, corresponding to non-trivial bundles, then yield edge modes exhibiting spectral flow. We illustrate our results for the case of chiral edge states in two dimensional Chern insulators, as well as helical edges in quantum spin Hall states.
We present a general approach to obtain effective field theories for topological crystalline insulators whose low-energy theories are described by massive Dirac fermions. We show that these phases are characterized by the responses to spatially depen dent mass parameters with interfaces. These mass interfaces implement the dimensional reduction procedure such that the state of interest is smoothly deformed into a topological crystal, which serves as a representative state of a phase in the general classification. Effective field theories are obtained by integrating out the massive Dirac fermions, and various quantized topological terms are uncovered. Our approach can be generalized to other crystalline symmetry protected topological phases and provides a general strategy to derive effective field theories for such crystalline topological phases.
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