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Three-Dimensional Spin Rotations at the Fermi Surface of a Strongly Spin-Orbit Coupled Surface System

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 نشر من قبل Joerg Schaefer
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Philipp Hoepfner

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The spin texture of the metallic two-dimensional electron system (root3 x root3)-Au/Ge(111) is revealed by fully three-dimensional spin-resolved photoemission, as well as by density functional calculations. The large hexagonal Fermi surface, generated by the Au atoms, shows a significant splitting due to spin-orbit interactions. The planar components of the spin exhibit helical character, accompanied by a strong out-of-plane spin component with alternating signs along the six Fermi surface sections. Moreover, in-plane spin rotations towards a radial direction are observed close to the hexagon corners. Such a threefold-symmetric spin pattern is not described by the conventional Rashba model. Instead, it reveals an interplay with Dresselhaus-like spin-orbit effects as a result of the crystalline anisotropies.

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148 - M. Hermanns , S. Trebst 2014
Motivated by the recent synthesis of $beta$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$ -- a spin-orbit entangled $j=1/2$ Mott insulator with a three-dimensional lattice structure of the Ir$^{4+}$ ions -- we consider generalizations of the Kitaev model believed to capture some of the microscopic interactions between the Iridium moments on various trivalent lattice structures in three spatial dimensions. Of particular interest is the so-called hyperoctagon lattice -- the premedial lattice of the hyperkagome lattice, for which the ground state is a gapless quantum spin liquid where the gapless Majorana modes form an extended two-dimensional Majorana Fermi surface. We demonstrate that this Majorana Fermi surface is inherently protected by lattice symmetries and discuss possible instabilities. We thus provide the first example of an analytically tractable microscopic model of interacting SU(2) spin-1/2 degrees of freedom in three spatial dimensions that harbors a spin liquid with a two-dimensional spinon Fermi surface.
We investigate the two-dimensional (2D) highly spin-polarized electron accumulation layers commonly appearing near the surface of n-type polar semiconductors BiTeX (X = I, Br, and Cl) by angular-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Due to the polarit y and the strong spin-orbit interaction built in the bulk atomic configurations, the quantized conduction-band subbands show giant Rashba-type spin-splitting. The characteristic 2D confinement effect is clearly observed also in the valence-bands down to the binding energy of 4 eV. The X-dependent Rashba spin-orbit coupling is directly estimated from the observed spin-split subbands, which roughly scales with the inverse of the band-gap size in BiTeX.
Novel phases of two dimensional electron systems resulting from new surface or interface modified electronic structures have generated significant interest in material science. We utilize photoemission spectroscopy to show that the near-surface elect ronic structure of a bulk insulating iridate Sr$_3$Ir$_2$O$_7$ lying near metal-Mott insulator transition exhibit weak metallicity signified by finite electronic spectral weight at the Fermi level. The surface electrons exhibit a unique spin structure resulting from an interplay of spin-orbit, Coulomb interaction and surface quantum magnetism, distinct from a topological insulator state. Our results suggest the experimental realization of a novel quasi two dimensional interacting electron surface ground state, opening the door for exotic quantum entanglement and transport phenomena in iridate-based oxide devices.
The topology of the Fermi surface of Sr2RuO4 is well described by local-density approximation calculations with spin-orbit interaction, but the relative size of its different sheets is not. By accounting for many-body effects via dynamical mean-field theory, we show that the standard isotropic Coulomb interaction alone worsens or does not correct this discrepancy. In order to reproduce experiments, it is essential to account for the Coulomb anisotropy. The latter is small but has strong effects; it competes with the Coulomb-enhanced spin-orbit coupling and the isotropic Coulomb term in determining the Fermi surface shape. Its effects are likely sizable in other correlated multi-orbital systems. In addition, we find that the low-energy self-energy matrix -- responsible for the reshaping of the Fermi surface -- sizably differ from the static Hartree-Fock limit. Finally, we find a strong spin-orbital {entanglement}; this supports the view that the conventional description of Cooper pairs via factorized spin and orbital part might not apply to Sr2RuO4.
A comprehensive understanding of spin-polarized photoemission is crucial for accessing the electronic structure of spin-orbit coupled materials. Yet, the impact of the final state in the photoemission process on the photoelectron spin has been diffic ult to assess in these systems. We present experiments for the spin-orbit split states in a Bi-Ag surface alloy showing that the alteration of the final state with energy may cause a complete reversal of the photoelectron spin polarization. We explain the effect on the basis of ab initio one-step photoemission theory and describe how it originates from linear dichroism in the angular distribution of photoelectrons. Our analysis shows that the modulated photoelectron spin polarization reflects the intrinsic spin density of the surface state being sampled differently depending on the final state, and it indicates linear dichroism as a natural probe of spin-orbit coupling at surfaces.
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