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Study of $^{124}$Sn+$^{136}$Xe fusion-evaporation: analysis of a rare-event experiment

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 نشر من قبل Cedric Simenel
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Beno^it Avez

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Fusion-evaporation in the $^{124}$Sn+$^{136}$Xe system is studied using a high intensity xenon beam provided by the Ganil accelerator and the LISE3 wien filter for the selection of the products. Due to the mass symmetry of the entrance system, the rejection of the beam by the spectrometer was of the order of $5times10^8$. We have thus performed a detailed statistical analysis to estimate random events and to infer the fusion-evaporation cross sections. No signicant decay events were detected and upper limit cross sections of 172 pb, 87 pb and 235 pb were deduced for the synthesis of $^{257}$Rf, $^{258}$Rf and $^{259}$Rf, respectively.

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The LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment will enable a neutrinoless double beta decay search in parallel to the main science goal of discovering dark matter particle interactions. We report the expected LZ sensitivity to $^{136}$Xe neutrinoless double beta dec ay, taking advantage of the significant ($>$600 kg) $^{136}$Xe mass contained within the active volume of LZ without isotopic enrichment. After 1000 live-days, the median exclusion sensitivity to the half-life of $^{136}$Xe is projected to be 1.06$times$10$^{26}$ years (90% confidence level), similar to existing constraints. We also report the expected sensitivity of a possible subsequent dedicated exposure using 90% enrichment with $^{136}$Xe at 1.06$times$10$^{27}$ years.
Double electron capture by proton-rich nuclei is a second-order nuclear process analogous to double beta decay. Despite their similarities, the decay signature is quite different, potentially providing a new channel to measure the hypothesized neutri noless mode of these decays. The Standard-Model-allowed two-neutrino double electron capture ($2 u ECEC$) has been predicted for a number of isotopes, but only observed in $^{78}$Kr, $^{130}$Ba and, recently, $^{124}$Xe. The sensitivity to this decay establishes a benchmark for the ultimate experimental goal, namely the potential to discover also the lepton-number-violating neutrinoless version of this process, $0 u ECEC$. Here we report on the current sensitivity of the NEXT-White detector to $^{124}$Xe $2 u ECEC$ and on the extrapolation to NEXT-100. Using simulated data for the $2 u ECEC$ signal and real data from NEXT-White operated with $^{124}$Xe-depleted gas as background, we define an optimal event selection that maximizes the NEXT-White sensitivity. We estimate that, for NEXT-100 operated with xenon gas isotopically enriched with 1 kg of $^{124}$Xe and for a 5-year run, a sensitivity to the $2 u ECEC$ half-life of $6 times 10^{22}$ y (at 90% confidence level) or better can be reached.
The $ u0h_{9/2}$ and $ u0i_{13/2}$ strength at $^{137}$Xe, a single neutron outside the $N=82$ shell closure, has been determined using the $^{136}$Xe($alpha$,$^3$He)$^{137}$Xe reaction carried out at 100 MeV. We confirm the recent observation of the second 13/2$^+$ state and reassess previous data on the 9/2$^-$ states, obtaining spectroscopic factors. These new data provide additional constraints on predictions of the same single-neutron excitations at $^{133}$Sn.
The change in the configuration of valence protons between the initial and final states in the neutrinoless double-$beta$ decay of $^{130}$Te $rightarrow$ $^{130}$Xe and of $^{136}$Xe $rightarrow$ $^{136}$Ba has been determined by measuring the cross sections of the ($d$,$^3$He) reaction with 101-MeV deuterons. Together with our recent determination of the relevant neutron configurations involved in the process, a quantitative comparison with the latest shell-model and interacting-boson-model calculations reveals significant discrepancies. These are the same calculations used to determine the nuclear matrix elements governing the rate of neutrinoless double-$beta$ decay in these systems.
We analyze the production cross sections and isotopic distributions of projectile-like residues in the reactions $^{112}$Sn + $^{112}$Sn and $^{124}$Sn + $^{124}$Sn at an incident beam energy of 1 GeV/nucleon measured with the FRS fragment separator at the GSI laboratory. Calculations within the statistical multifragmentation model (SMM) for an ensemble of excited sources were performed with ensemble parameters determined previously for similar reactions at 600 MeV/nucleon. The obtained good agreement with the experiment establishes the universal properties of the excited spectator systems produced during the dynamical stage of the reaction. It is furthermore confirmed that a significant reduction of the symmetry-energy term at the freeze-out stage of reduced density and high temperature is necessary to reproduce the experimental isotope distributions. A trend of decreasing symmetry energy for large neutron-rich fragments of low excitation energy is interpreted as a nuclear-structure effect.
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