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Optical spectral classification of southern ultraluminous infrared galaxies

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 نشر من قبل Jong Chul Lee
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Jong Chul Lee

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We present a study of the optical spectral properties of 115 ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) in the southern sky. Using the optical spectra obtained at CTIO 4 m and provided by the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey and the 6dF Galaxy Survey, we measure emission line widths and fluxes for spectral classification. We determine the spectral types of ULIRGs with H_alpha measurement using the standard diagnostic diagrams. For ULIRGs without H_alpha measurement, we determine their spectral types using the plane of flux ratio between [OIII]_lambda5007 and H_beta versus [OIII] line width based on our new empirical criterion. This criterion is efficient to distinguish active galactic nuclei (AGNs) from non-AGN galaxies with completeness and reliability of about 90 per cent. The sample of 115 ULIRGs is found to consist of 8 broad-line AGNs, 49 narrow-line AGNs, and 58 non-AGNs. The AGN fraction is on average 50 per cent and increases with infrared luminosity and IRAS 25-60 micron colour, consistent with previous studies. The IRAS 25-60 micron colour distributions are significantly different between AGN and non-AGN ULIRGs, while their IRAS 60-100 micron colour distributions are similar.

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Luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies ((U)LIRGs) are the most extreme star forming galaxies in the universe. The local (U)LIRGs provide a unique opportunity to study their multi-wavelength properties in detail for comparison to their more nume rous counterparts at high redshifts. We present common large aperture photometry at radio through X-ray wavelengths, and spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for a sample of 53 nearby LIRGs and 11 ULIRGs spanning log (LIR/Lsun) = 11.14-12.57 from the flux-limited Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey (GOALS). The SEDs for all objects are similar in that they show a broad, thermal stellar peak and a dominant FIR thermal dust peak, where nuLnu(60um) / nuLnu(V) increases from ~2-30 with increasing LIR. When normalized at IRAS-60um, the largest range in the luminosity ratio, R(lambda)=log[nuLnu(lambda)/nuLnu(60um)] observed over the full sample is seen in the Hard X-rays (HX=2-10 keV). A small range is found in the Radio (1.4GHz), where the mean ratio is largest. Total infrared luminosities, LIR(8-1000um), dust temperatures, and dust masses were computed from fitting thermal dust emission modified blackbodies to the mid-infrared (MIR) through submillimeter SEDs. The new results reflect an overall ~0.02 dex lower luminosity than the original IRAS values. Total stellar masses were computed by fitting stellar population synthesis models to the observed near-infrared (NIR) through ultraviolet (UV) SEDs. Mean stellar masses are found to be log(M/Msun) = 10.79+/-0.40. Star formation rates have been determined from the infrared (SFR_IR~45Msun/yr) and from the monochromatic UV luminosities (SFR_UV~1.3Msun/yr), respectively. Multiwavelength AGN indicators have be used to select putative AGN: about 60% of the ULIRGs would have been classified as an AGN by at least one of the selection criteria.
We present Herschel observations of six fine-structure lines in 25 Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies at z<0.27. The lines, [O III]52, [N III]57, [O I]63, [N II]122, [O I]145, and [C II]158, are mostly single gaussians with widths <600 km s-1 and lumino sities of 10^7 - 10^9 Solar. There are deficits in the [O I]63/L_IR, [N II]/L_IR, [O I]145/L_IR, and [C II]/L_IR ratios compared to lower luminosity systems. The majority of the line deficits are consistent with dustier H II regions, but part of the [C II] deficit may arise from an additional mechanism, plausibly charged dust grains. This is consistent with some of the [C II] originating from PDRs or the ISM. We derive relations between far-IR line luminosities and both IR luminosity and star formation rate. We find that [N II] and both [O I] lines are good tracers of IR luminosity and star formation rate. In contrast, [C II] is a poor tracer of IR luminosity and star formation rate, and does not improve as a tracer of either quantity if the [C II] deficit is accounted for. The continuum luminosity densities also correlate with IR luminosity and star formation rate. We derive ranges for the gas density and ultraviolet radiation intensity of 10^1 < n < 10^2.5 and 10^2.2 < G_0 < 10^3.6, respectively. These ranges depend on optical type, the importance of star formation, and merger stage. We do not find relationships between far-IR line properties and several other parameters; AGN activity, merger stage, mid-IR excitation, and SMBH mass. We conclude that these far-IR lines arise from gas heated by starlight, and that they are not strongly influenced by AGN activity.
110 - Carol Lonsdale 2006
Ever since their discovery in the 1970s, UltraLuminous InfraRed Galaxies (ULIRGs; classically Lir>10^12Lsun) have fascinated astronomers with their immense luminosities, and frustrated them due to their singularly opaque nature, almost in equal measu re. Over the last decade, however, comprehensive observations from the X-ray through to the radio have produced a consensus picture of local ULIRGs, showing that they are mergers between gas rich galaxies, where the interaction triggers some combination of dust-enshrouded starburst and AGN activity, with the starburst usually dominating. Very recent results have thrown ULIRGs even further to the fore. Originally they were thought of as little more than a local oddity, but the latest IR surveys have shown that ULIRGs are vastly more numerous at high redshift, and tantalizing suggestions of physical differences between high and low redshift ULIRGs hint at differences in their formation modes and local environment. In this review we look at recent progress on understanding the physics and evolution of local ULIRGs, the contribution of high redshift ULIRGs to the cosmic infrared background and the global history of star formation, and the role of ULIRGs as diagnostics of the formation of massive galaxies and large-scale structures.
We analyze the multi-wavelength photometric and spectroscopic data of 12 ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) at z ~ 1 and compare them with models of stars and dust in order to study the extinction law and star formation in young infrared (IR) g alaxies. Five extinction curves, namely, the Milky Way (MW), the pseudo MW which is MW-like without the 2175 Angstrom feature, the Calzetti, and two SN dust curves, are applied to the data, by combining with various dust distributions, namely, the uniform dust screen, the clumpy dust screen, the internal dust geometry, and the composite geometry with a combination of dust screen and internal dust. Employing a minimum chi square method, we find that the foreground dust screen geometry, especially combined with the 8 - 40 M_sun SN extinction curve, provides a good approximation to the real dust geometry, whereas internal dust is only significant in 2 galaxies. The SN extinction curves, which are flatter than the others, reproduce the data of 8(67%) galaxies better. Dust masses are estimated to be in excess of ~ 10^8 M_sun. Inferred ages of the galaxies are very young, 8 of which range from 10 to 650 Myr. The SN-origin dust is the most plausible to account for the vast amount of dust masses and the flat slope of the observed extinction law. The inferred dust mass per SN ranges from 0.01 to 0.4 M_sun/SN.
We present the first principal component analysis (PCA) applied to a sample of 119 Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) spectra of local ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) at z<0.35. The purpose of this study is to objectively and uniquely chara cterise the local ULIRG population using all information contained in the observed spectra. We have derived the first three principal components (PCs) from the covariance matrix of our dataset which account for over 90% of the variance. The first PC is characterised by dust temperatures and the geometry of the mix of source and dust. The second PC is a pure star formation component. The third PC represents an anti-correlation between star formation activity and a rising AGN. Using the first three PCs, we are able to accurately reconstruct most of the spectra in our sample. Our work shows that there are several factors that are important in characterising the ULIRG population, dust temperature, geometry, star formation intensity, AGN contribution, etc. We also make comparison between PCA and other diagnostics such as ratio of the 6.2 microns PAH emission feature to the 9.7 micron silicate absorption depth and other observables such as optical spectral type.
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