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The nature of transmission resonances in plasmonic metallic gratings

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 نشر من قبل Giuseppe D'Aguanno
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Using the Fourier modal method (FMM) we report our analysis of the transmission resonances of a plasmonic grating with sub-wavelength period and extremely narrow slits for wavelengths of the incoming, transverse magnetic (TM)-polarized, radiation ranging from 240nm to 1500nm and incident angles from 0 degree to 90 degree. In particular, we study the case of a silver grating placed in vacuo. Consistent with previous studies on the topic, we highlight that the main mechanism for extraordinary transmission is a TM-Fabry-Perot (FP) branch supported by waveguide modes inside each slit. The TM-FP branch may also interact with surface plasmons (SPs) at the air/Ag interface through the reciprocal lattice vectors of the grating, for periods comparable with the incoming wavelength. When the TM-FP branch crosses a SP branch, a band gap is formed along the line of the SP dispersion. The gap has a Fano-Feshbach resonance at the low frequency band edge and a ridge resonance with extremely long lifetime at the high frequency band edge. We discuss the nature of these dispersion features, and in particular we describe the ridge resonance in the framework of guided-mode resonances (GMRs). In addition, we elucidate the connection of the coupling between the TM-FP branch and SPs within the Rayleigh condition. We also study the peculiar characteristics of the field localization and the energy transport in two topical examples.

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In this paper we show how transmission metallic gratings with very narrow and deep enough slits can exhibit transmission resonances for wavelengths larger than the period of the grating. By using a transfer matrix formalism and a quasi-analytical mod el based on a modal expansion, we show that there are two possible ways of transferring light from the upper surface to the lower one: by the excitation of coupled surface plasmon polaritons on both surfaces of the metallic grating or by the coupling of incident plane waves with waveguide resonances located in the slits. Both mechanisms can lead to almost perfect transmittance for those particular resonances.
288 - T. Lopez-Rios 1998
The specular reflectivity of lamellar gratings of gold with grooves 0.5 microns wide separated by a distance of 3.5 microns was measured on the 2000 cm$^{-1}$ - 7000 cm$^{-1}$ spectral range for p-polarized light. For the first time, experimental evi dence of the excitation of electromagnetic surface shape resonances for optical frequencies is given. In these resonances the electric field is highly localized inside the grooves and is almost zero in all other regions. For grooves of depth equal to 0.6 microns, we have analyzed one of these modes whose wavelength (3.3 microns) is much greater than the lateral dimension of the grooves.
63 - Z. Z. Liu , Q. Zhang , J. J. Xiao 2015
We study the optical properties associated to both the polariton gap and the Bragg gap in periodic resonator-waveguide coupled system, based on the temporal coupled mode theory and the transfer matrix method. By the complex band and the transmission spectrum, it is feasible to tune the interaction between multiple Bragg scattering and the local resonance, which may give rise to analogous phenomena of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). We further design a plasmonic slot waveguide side-coupled with local plasmonic resonator to demonstrate the EIT-like effects in the near-infared band. Numerical calculations show that realistic amount of metal Joule loss may destroy the interference and the total absorption is enhanced in the transparency windwo due to the near zero group velocity of the guiding wave.
Plasmonic nanostructures hold promise for the realization of ultra-thin sub-wavelength devices, reducing power operating thresholds and enabling nonlinear optical functionality in metasurfaces. However, this promise is substantially undercut by absor ption introduced by resistive losses, causing the metasurface community to turn away from plasmonics in favour of alternative material platforms (e.g., dielectrics) that provide weaker field enhancement, but more tolerable losses. Here, we report a plasmonic metasurface with a quality-factor (Q-factor) of 2340 in the telecommunication C band by exploiting surface lattice resonances (SLRs), exceeding the record by an order of magnitude. Additionally, we show that SLRs retain many of the same benefits as localized plasmonic resonances, such as field enhancement and strong confinement of light along the metal surface. Our results demonstrate that SLRs provide an exciting and unexplored method to tailor incident light fields, and could pave the way to flexible wavelength-scale devices for any optical resonating application.
199 - Jerome Le Perchec 2018
We report the possibility to generate tremendous light-field enhancements within shallow nano-trenches made in a high index dielectric material, because of resonant behaviours reminiscent of what we get with sub-wavelength plasmonic cavities. The hig h quality factors are explained through a modal analysis and can be tuned with appropriate design rules. The thin dielectric void gratings here simulated could be a relevant alternative to plasmon-based devices for chemical sensing, or could be used as efficient wavelength-selective photo-absorbers by taking weakly absorbing materials.
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