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Ground-state configurations in ferromagnetic nanotori

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 نشر من قبل Winder Alexander Moura-Melo
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Magnetization ground states are studied in toroidal nanomagnets. The energetics associated to the ferromagnetic, vortex and onion-like configurations are explicitly computed. The analysis reveals that the vortex appears to be the most prominent of such states, minimizing total energy in every torus with internal radius $rgtrsim10,{rm nm}$ (for Permalloy). For $rlesssim10,{rm nm}$ the vortex remains the most favorable pattern whenever $R/ell_{ex}gtrsim1.5$ ($R$ is the torus external radius and $ell_{ex}$ is the exchange length), being substituted by the ferromagnetic state whenever $R/ell_{ex}lesssim1.5$.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We model conducting pentagon chains with a multi orbital Hubbard model and prove that well below half filling exact ferromagnetic ground states appear. The rigorous method we use is based on the transformation of original hamiltonian into positive se midefinite form. This technique is independent of the spatial dimesion and does not require integrability of the model. The obtained ferromagnetism is connected to dispersionless bands but in a much broader sense than flat band ferromagnetism requires, where on every site a Hubbard term is present. In our case only a small percentage of, even randomly distributed, sites are only interacting.
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80 - E. Golias , I. Kumberg , I. Gelen 2020
We present evidence for an ultrafast optically induced ferromagnetic alignment of antiferromagnetic Mn in Co/Mn multilayers. We observe the transient ferromagnetic signal at the arrival of the pump pulse at the Mn L$_3$ resonance using x-ray magnetic circular dichroism in reflectivity. The timescale of the effect is comparable to the duration of the excitation and occurs before the magnetization in Co is quenched. Theoretical calculations point to the imbalanced population of Mn unoccupied states caused by the Co interface for the emergence of this transient ferromagnetic state.
53 - R. Combescot 2019
We investigate the trion binding energy in a three-dimensional semiconductor, with bare Coulomb interaction between charges, and effective mass approximation for the electron and hole dispersion relations. This is done by making use of a previously p roposed exact method for the three-body problem. The calculations cover the complete range of electron-to-hole mass ratio. We find a perfect agreement with existing variational calculations. Investigating the small and large mass ratio regimes, we build a three parameters interpolating formula for the trion binding energy $E_b(r)$ in terms of the exciton binding energy, where $r$ is the electron to exciton mass ratio. This formula $E_b(r)=0.71347-0.11527 ,r -0.18580, sqrt{1-r},$, in atomic units, is in full agreement, within our precision, with our numerical results over the complete range of mass ratio.
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