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Quantum electric dipole glass and frustrated magnetism near a critical point in Li2ZrCuO4

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 نشر من قبل Vladislav Kataev
 تاريخ النشر 2009
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We report a new peculiar effect of the interaction between a sublattice of frustrated quantum spin-1/2 chains and a sublattice of pseudospin-1/2 centers (quantum electric dipoles) uniquely co-existing in the complex oxide Li2ZrCuO4. 7Li nuclear magnetic-, Cu2+ electron spin resonance and a complex dielectric constant data reveal that the sublattice of Li+-derived electric dipoles orders glass like at Tg ~ 70 K yielding a spin site nonequivalency in the CuO2 chains. We suggest that such a remarkable interplay between electrical and spin degrees of freedom might strongly influence the properties of the spiral spin state in Li2ZrCuO4 that is close to a quantum ferromagnetic critical point. In particular that strong quantum fluctuations and/or the glassy behavior of electric dipoles might renormalize the exchange integrals affecting this way the pitch angle of the spiral as well as be responsible for the missing multiferroicity present in other helicoidal magnets.

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Neutron diffraction measurements on single crystals of Cr1-xVx (x=0, 0.02, 0.037) show that the ordering moment and the Neel temperature are continuously suppressed as x approaches 0.037, a proposed Quantum Critical Point (QCP). The wave vector Q of the spin density wave (SDW) becomes more incommensurate as x increases in accordance with the two band model. At xc=0.037 we have found temperature dependent, resolution limited elastic scattering at 4 incommensurate wave vectors Q=(1+/-delta_1,2, 0, 0)*2pi/a, which correspond to 2 SDWs with Neel temperatures of 19 K and 300 K. Our neutron diffraction measurements indicate that the electronic structure of Cr is robust, and that tuning Cr to its QCP results not in the suppression of antiferromagnetism, but instead enables new spin ordering due to novel nesting of the Fermi surface of Cr.
An extended Hubbard model on a honeycomb lattice with two orbitals per site at charge neutrality is investigated with unbiased large-scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations. The Fermi velocity of the Dirac fermions is renormalized as the cluster charge interaction increases, until a mass term emerges and a quantum phase transition from Dirac semi-metal to valence bond solid (VBS) insulator is established. The quantum critical point is discovered to belong to 3D $N=4$ Gross-Neveu chiral XY universality with the critical exponents obtained at high precision. Further enhancement of the interaction drives the system into two different VBS phases, the properties and transition between them are also revealed. Since the model is related to magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene, our results may have relevance towards the symmetry breaking order at the charge neutrality point of the material, and associate the wide range of universal strange metal behavior around it with quantum critical fluctuations.
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Magneto-acoustic investigations of the frustrated triangular-lattice antiferromagnet Cs2CuCl4 were performed for the longitudinal modes c11 and c33 in magnetic fields along the a-axis. The temperature dependence of the sound velocity at zero field sh ows a mild softening at low temperature and displays a small kink-like anomaly at TN. Isothermal measurements at T < TN of the sound attenuation reveal two closely-spaced features of different character on approaching the materials quantum-critical point (QCP) around Bs = 8.5 T for B // a. The peak at slightly lower fields remains sharp down to the lowest temperature and can be attributed to the ordering temperature TN(B). The second anomaly which is rounded and which becomes reduced in size upon cooling is assigned to the materials spin-liquid properties preceding the long-range antiferromagnetic ordering. These two features merge upon cooling suggesting a coincidence at the QCP. The elastic constant at lowest temperatures of our experiment at 32 mK can be well described by a Landau free energy model with a very small magnetoelastic coupling constant G/kB = 2.8 K. The applicability of this classical model indicates the existence of a small gap in the magnetic excitation spectrum which drives the system away from quantum criticality.
We consider the finite-temperature phase diagram of the $S = 1/2$ frustrated Heisenberg bilayer. Although this two-dimensional system may show magnetic order only at zero temperature, we demonstrate the presence of a line of finite-temperature critic al points related to the line of first-order transitions between the dimer-singlet and -triplet regimes. We show by high-precision quantum Monte Carlo simulations, which are sign-free in the fully frustrated limit, that this critical point is in the Ising universality class. At zero temperature, the continuous transition between the ordered bilayer and the dimer-singlet state terminates on the first-order line, giving a quantum critical end point, and we use tensor-network calculations to follow the first-order discontinuities in its vicinity.
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