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Cryptanalysis of the Hillery-Buzek-Berthiaume quantum secret-sharing protocol

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 نشر من قبل Fei Gao
 تاريخ النشر 2008
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The participant attack is the most serious threat for quantum secret-sharing protocols. We present a method to analyze the security of quantum secret-sharing protocols against this kind of attack taking the scheme of Hillery, Buzek, and Berthiaume (HBB) [Phys. Rev. A 59 1829 (1999)] as an example. By distinguishing between two mixed states, we derive the necessary and sufficient conditions under which a dishonest participant can attain all the information without introducing any error, which shows that the HBB protocol is insecure against dishonest participants. It is easy to verify that the attack scheme of Karlsson, Koashi, and Imoto [Phys. Rev. A 59, 162 (1999)] is a special example of our results. To demonstrate our results further, we construct an explicit attack scheme according to the necessary and sufficient conditions. Our work completes the security analysis of the HBB protocol, and the method presented may be useful for the analysis of other similar protocols.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We develop a three-party quantum secret sharing protocol based on arbitrary dimensional quantum states. In contrast to the previous quantum secret sharing protocols, the sender can always control the state, just using local operations, for adjusting the correlation of measurement directions of three parties and thus there is no waste of resource due to the discord between the directions. Moreover, our protocol contains the hidden value which enables the sender to leak no information of secret key to the dishonest receiver until the last steps of the procedure.
In this paper we define a kind of decomposition for a quantum access structure. We propose a conception of minimal maximal quantum access structure and obtain a sufficient and necessary condition for minimal maximal quantum access structure, which sh ows the relationship between the number of minimal authorized sets and that of the players. Moreover, we investigate the construction of efficient quantum secret schemes by using these techniques, a decomposition and minimal maximal quantum access structure. A major advantage of these techniques is that it allows us to construct a method to realize a general quantum access structure. For these quantum access structures, we present two quantum secret schemes via the idea of concatenation or a decomposition of a quantum access structure. As a consequence, the application of these techniques allow us to save more quantum shares and reduce more cost than the existing scheme.
We develop a connection between tripartite information $I_3$, secret sharing protocols and multi-unitaries. This leads to explicit ((2,3)) threshold schemes in arbitrary dimension minimizing tripartite information $I_3$. As an application we show tha t Page scrambling unitaries simultaneously work for all secrets shared by Alice. Using the $I_3$-Ansatz for imperfect sharing schemes we discover examples of VIP sharing schemes.
A $((k,n))$ quantum threshold secret sharing (QTS) scheme is a quantum cryptographic protocol for sharing a quantum secret among $n$ parties such that the secret can be recovered by any $k$ or more parties while $k-1$ or fewer parties have no informa tion about the secret. Despite extensive research on these schemes, there has been very little study on optimizing the quantum communication cost during recovery. Recently, we initiated the study of communication efficient quantum threshold secret sharing (CE-QTS) schemes. These schemes reduce the communication complexity in QTS schemes by accessing $dgeq k$ parties for recovery; here $d$ is fixed ahead of encoding the secret. In contrast to the standard QTS schemes which require $k$ qudits for recovering each qudit in the secret, these schemes have a lower communication cost of $frac{d}{d-k+1}$ for $d>k$. In this paper, we further develop the theory of communication efficient quantum threshold schemes. Here, we propose universal CE-QTS schemes which reduce the communication cost for all $dgeq k$ simultaneously. We provide a framework based on ramp quantum secret sharing to construct CE-QTS and universal CE-QTS schemes. We give another construction for universal CE-QTS schemes based on Staircase codes. We derived a lower bound on communication complexity and show that our constructions are optimal. Finally, an information theoretic model is developed to analyse CE-QTS schemes and the lower bound on communication complexity is proved again using this model.
In this work, we investigate what kinds of quantum states are feasible to perform perfectly secure secret sharing, and present its necessary and sufficient conditions. We also show that the states are bipartite distillable for all bipartite splits, a nd hence the states could be distillable into the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state. We finally exhibit a class of secret-sharing states, which have an arbitrarily small amount of bipartite distillable entanglement for a certain split.
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