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Inference on inspiral signals using LISA MLDC data

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 نشر من قبل Nelson Christensen
 تاريخ النشر 2007
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper we describe a Bayesian inference framework for analysis of data obtained by LISA. We set up a model for binary inspiral signals as defined for the Mock LISA Data Challenge 1.2 (MLDC), and implemented a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm to facilitate exploration and integration of the posterior distribution over the 9-dimensional parameter space. Here we present intermediate results showing how, using this method, information about the 9 parameters can be extracted from the data.

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Extreme-mass-ratio inspirals (EMRIs) of ~ 1-10 solar-mass compact objects into ~ million solar-mass massive black holes can serve as excellent probes of strong-field general relativity. The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is expected to det ect gravitational wave signals from apprxomiately one hundred EMRIs per year, but the data analysis of EMRI signals poses a unique set of challenges due to their long duration and the extensive parameter space of possible signals. One possible approach is to carry out a search for EMRI tracks in the time-frequency domain. We have applied a time-frequency search to the data from the Mock LISA Data Challenge (MLDC) with promising results. Our analysis used the Hierarchical Algorithm for Clusters and Ridges to identify tracks in the time-frequency spectrogram corresponding to EMRI sources. We then estimated the EMRI source parameters from these tracks. In these proceedings, we discuss the results of this analysis of the MLDC round 1.3 data.
The planned Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is expected to detect gravitational wave signals from ~100 extreme-mass-ratio inspirals (EMRIs) of stellar-mass compact objects into massive black holes. The long duration and large parameter spac e of EMRI signals makes data analysis for these signals a challenging problem. One approach to EMRI data analysis is to use time-frequency methods. This consists of two steps: (i) searching for tracks from EMRI sources in a time-frequency spectrogram, and (ii) extracting parameter estimates from the tracks. In this paper we discuss the results of applying these techniques to the latest round of the Mock LISA Data Challenge, Round 1B. This analysis included three new techniques not used in previous analyses: (i) a new Chirp-based Algorithm for Track Search for track detection; (ii) estimation of the inclination of the source to the line of sight; (iii) a Metropolis-Hastings Monte Carlo over the parameter space in order to find the best fit to the tracks.
We report on the analysis of selected single source data sets from the first round of the Mock LISA Data Challenges (MLDC) for white dwarf binaries. We implemented an end-to-end pipeline consisting of a grid-based coherent pre-processing unit for sig nal detection, and an automatic Markov Chain Monte Carlo post-processing unit for signal evaluation. We demonstrate that signal detection with our coherent approach is secure and accurate, and is increased in accuracy and supplemented with additional information on the signal parameters by our Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach. We also demonstrate that the Markov Chain Monte Carlo routine is additionally able to determine accurately the noise level in the frequency window of interest.
We demonstrate the use of automatic Bayesian inference for the analysis of LISA data sets. In particular we describe a new automatic Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to evaluate the posterior probability density functions of the a prio ri unknown number of parameters that describe the gravitational wave signals present in the data. We apply the algorithm to a simulated LISA data set containing overlapping signals from white dwarf binary systems (DWD) and to a separate data set containing a signal from an extreme mass ratio inspiral (EMRI). We demonstrate that the approach works well in both cases and can be regarded as a viable approach to tackle LISA data analysis challenges.
Extreme mass ratio inspirals (EMRIs) are thought to be one of the most exciting gravitational wave sources to be detected with LISA. Due to their complicated nature and weak amplitudes the detection and parameter estimation of such sources is a chall enging task. In this paper we present a statistical methodology based on Bayesian inference in which the estimation of parameters is carried out by advanced Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms such as parallel tempering MCMC. We analysed high and medium mass EMRI systems that fall well inside the low frequency range of LISA. In the context of the Mock LISA Data Challenges, our investigation and results are also the first instance in which a fully Markovian algorithm is applied for EMRI searches. Results show that our algorithm worked well in recovering EMRI signals from different (simulated) LISA data sets having single and multiple EMRI sources and holds great promise for posterior computation under more realistic conditions. The search and estimation methods presented in this paper are general in their nature, and can be applied in any other scenario such as AdLIGO, AdVIRGO and Einstein Telescope with their respective response functions.
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