الهدف الرئيس للبحث هو إيجاد خصائص الجريان الحر فوق الهدارات المثلثيـة ، و تحـت
البوابات مستطيلة الشكل (الفتحة) حيث تم إنشاء تسعة نماذج لهذا النوع من الهدارات بزوايا مختلفة للهدار المثلث.
The main objective of this investigation is to find the characteristics of free
flow through the combined triangular weir and a rectangular gate. Nine
combined weirs were constructed and tested for three different triangular
المراجع المستخدمة
Abdel-Azim et al.,(2002) ,"Combined of Free Flow Over Weirs and Below Gates ", Journal of Hydraulic Research,Vol.40,NO.3
Abdel-Azim M. Negm, (2003),"Modeling of Submerged Simultaneous Flow Through Combined Weirs and Gates Devices, Faculty of Engineering Zagzaig University Egypt, Journal of hydraulic Research
Alhamid, A.A., Negm, A.M. and Al-Brahim, A.M.,(1997),"Discharge Equation for Proposed Self-Cleaning Device", Journal of King Sand University, Engineering ,Science, Riyadh, Saudia Arabia,Vol.9,No.1, pp.13-24