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Braid Topologies for Quantum Computation

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 نشر من قبل N. E. Bonesteel
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In topological quantum computation, quantum information is stored in states which are intrinsically protected from decoherence, and quantum gates are carried out by dragging particle-like excitations (quasiparticles) around one another in two space dimensions. The resulting quasiparticle trajectories define world-lines in three dimensional space-time, and the corresponding quantum gates depend only on the topology of the braids formed by these world-lines. We show how to find braids that yield a universal set of quantum gates for qubits encoded using a specific kind of quasiparticle which is particularly promising for experimental realization.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We introduce the concept of embedding quantum simulators, a paradigm allowing the efficient quantum computation of a class of bipartite and multipartite entanglement monotones. It consists in the suitable encoding of a simulated quantum dynamics in t he enlarged Hilbert space of an embedding quantum simulator. In this manner, entanglement monotones are conveniently mapped onto physical observables, overcoming the necessity of full tomography and reducing drastically the experimental requirements. Furthermore, this method is directly applicable to pure states and, assisted by classical algorithms, to the mixed-state case. Finally, we expect that the proposed embedding framework paves the way for a general theory of enhanced one-to-one quantum simulators.
255 - M. I. Dyakonov 2012
The hopes for scalable quantum computing rely on the threshold theorem: once the error per qubit per gate is below a certain value, the methods of quantum error correction allow indefinitely long quantum computations. The proof is based on a number o f assumptions, which are supposed to be satisfied exactly, like axioms, e.g. zero undesired interactions between qubits, etc. However in the physical world no continuous quantity can be exactly zero, it can only be more or less small. Thus the error per qubit per gate threshold must be complemented by the required precision with which each assumption should be fulfilled. This issue was never addressed. In the absence of this crucial information, the prospects of scalable quantum computing remain uncertain.
Digital quantum computing paradigm offers highly-desirable features such as universality, scalability, and quantum error correction. However, physical resource requirements to implement useful error-corrected quantum algorithms are prohibitive in the current era of NISQ devices. As an alternative path to performing universal quantum computation, within the NISQ era limitations, we propose to merge digital single-qubit operations with analog multi-qubit entangling blocks in an approach we call digital-analog quantum computing (DAQC). Along these lines, although the techniques may be extended to any resource, we propose to use unitaries generated by the ubiquitous Ising Hamiltonian for the analog entangling block and we prove its universal character. We construct explicit DAQC protocols for efficient simulations of arbitrary inhomogeneous Ising, two-body, and $M$-body spin Hamiltonian dynamics by means of single-qubit gates and a fixed homogeneous Ising Hamiltonian. Additionally, we compare a sequential approach where the interactions are switched on and off (stepwise~DAQC) with an always-on multi-qubit interaction interspersed by fast single-qubit pulses (banged DAQC). Finally, we perform numerical tests comparing purely digital schemes with DAQC protocols, showing a remarkably better performance of the latter. The proposed DAQC approach combines the robustness of analog quantum computing with the flexibility of digital methods.
We present pulse sequences for two-qubit gates acting on encoded qubits for exchange-only quantum computation. Previous work finding such sequences has always required numerical methods due to the large search space of unitary operators acting on the space of the encoded qubits. By contrast, our construction can be understood entirely in terms of three-dimensional rotations of effective spin-1/2 pseudospins which allows us to use geometric intuition to determine the required sequence of operations analytically. The price we pay for this simplification is that, at 39 pulses, our sequences are significantly longer than the best numerically obtained sequences.
Spin qubits are contenders for scalable quantum computation because of their long coherence times demonstrated in a variety of materials, but individual control by frequency-selective addressing using pulsed spin resonance creates severe technical ch allenges for scaling up to many qubits. This individual resonance control strategy requires each spin to have a distinguishable frequency, imposing a maximum number of spins that can be individually driven before qubit crosstalk becomes unavoidable. Here we describe a complete strategy for controlling a large array of spins in quantum dots dressed by an on-resonance global field, namely a field that is constantly driving the spin qubits, to dynamically decouple from the effects of background magnetic field fluctuations. This approach -- previously implemented for the control of single electron spins bound to electrons in impurities -- is here harmonized with all other operations necessary for universal quantum computing with spins in quantum dots. We define the logical states as the dressed qubit states and discuss initialization and readout utilizing Pauli spin blockade, as well as single- and two-qubit control in the new basis. Finally, we critically analyze the limitations imposed by qubit variability and potential strategies to improve performance.
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