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Enhanced transmission of optically thick metallic films at infrared wavelengths

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 نشر من قبل Jian Zi
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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For an optically thick metallic film, the transmission for both s- and p-polarized waves is extremely low. If the metallic film is coated on both sides with a finite dielectric layer, light transmission for $p$-polarized waves can be enhanced considerably. This enhancement is not related to surface plasmon-polaritions. Instead, it is due to the interplay between Fabry-Perot interference in the coated dielectric layer and the existence of the Brewster angle at the dielectric/metallic interface. It is shown that the coated metallic films can act as excellent polarizers at infrared wavelengths.

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We have conducted a theoretical study of harmonic generation from a silver grating having slits filled with GaAs. By working in the enhanced transmission regime, and by exploiting phase-locking between the pump and its harmonics, we guarantee strong field localization and enhanced harmonic generation under conditions of high absorption at visible and UV wavelengths. Silver is treated using the hydrodynamic model, which includes Coulomb and Lorentz forces, convection, electron gas pressure, plus bulk X(3) contributions. For GaAs we use nonlinear Lorentz oscillators, with characteristic X(2) and X(3) and nonlinear sources that arise from symmetry breaking and Lorentz forces. We find that: (i) electron pressure in the metal contributes to linear and nonlinear processes by shifting/reshaping the band structure; (ii) TEand TM-polarized harmonics can be generated efficiently; (iii) the X(2) tensor of GaAs couples TE- and TM-polarized harmonics that create phase-locked pump photons having polarization orthogonal compared to incident pump photons; (iv) Fabry-Perot resonances yield more efficient harmonic generation compared to plasmonic transmission peaks, where most of the light propagates along external metal surfaces with little penetration inside its volume. We predict conversion efficiencies that range from 10-6 for second harmonic generation to 10-3 for the third harmonic signal, when pump power is 2GW/cm2.
204 - Yuqian Ye , Yi Jin 2009
y coating a cover layer with metallization of cut wire array, the transmission of transverse electric waves (TE; the electric field is parallel to the slits) through subwavelength slits in a thin metallic film is significantly enhanced. An 800-fold e nhanced transmission is obtained compared to the case without the cut wires. It is demonstrated that a TE incident wave is highly confined by the cut wires due to the excitation of the electric dipole-like resonance, and then effectively squeezed into and through the subwavelength slits.
Measurement of the transmitted intensity from a coherent monomode light source through a series of subwavelength slit arrays in Ag films, with varying array pitch and number of slits, demonstrate enhancement (suppression) by as much as a factor of 6 (9) when normalized to that of an isolated slit. Pronounced minima in the transmitted intensity were observed at array pitches corresponding to lambda_SPP, 2lambda_SPP, and 3lambda_SPP where lambda_SPP is the wavelength of the surface plasmon polariton (SPP). Increasing the number of slits to more than four does not increase appreciably the per-slit transmission intensity. These results are consistent with a model for interference between SPPs and the incident wave that fits well the measured transmitted intensity profile.
240 - Z.H.Zhu , H.Liu , S.M.Wang 2009
We propose and analyze theoretically a double magnetic plasmon resonance nanolaser, in which Ytterbium-erbium co-doped material is used as the gain medium. Through design of the double magnetic resonance modes, pumping light (980nm) can be resonantly absorbed and laser light (1550nm) can be resonantly generated simultaneously. We introduce a set of rate equations combined to describe the operation of the laser and predict the lasing condition. According to our calculations, the disadvantage that pumping light is difficult to be absorbed by a thin slab of gain materials can be overcome.
We report the first computational super-resolved, multi-camera integral imaging at long-wave infrared (LWIR) wavelengths. A synchronized array of FLIR Lepton cameras was assembled, and computational super-resolution and integral-imaging reconstructio n employed to generate video with light-field imaging capabilities, such as 3D imaging and recognition of partially obscured objects, while also providing a four-fold increase in effective pixel count. This approach to high-resolution imaging enables a fundamental reduction in the track length and volume of an imaging system, while also enabling use of low-cost lens materials.
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