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Nonperturbative approach to a simple model with ultraviolet divergent eigenenergies in perturbation theory

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 نشر من قبل Wang Wenge
 تاريخ النشر 2000
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Wen-ge Wang

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We study a simple model for which perturbation theory gives ultravioletly divergent results. We show that when the eigen-solution problem of the Hamiltonian of the model is treated nonperturbatively, it is possible for eigenenergies of the Hamiltonian to be finite.

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We show that to n loop order the divergent content of a Feynman amplitude is spanned by a set of basic (logarithmically divergent) integrals which need not be evaluated. Only the coefficients of the basic divergent integrals are necessary to determin e renormalization group functions. Relations between these coefficients of different loop orders are derived.
Perturbation theory is a crucial tool for many physical systems, when exact solutions are not available, or nonperturbative numerical solutions are intractable. Naive perturbation theory often fails on long timescales, leading to secularly growing so lutions. These divergences have been treated with a variety of techniques, including the powerful dynamical renormalization group (DRG). Most of the existing DRG approaches rely on having analytic solutions up to some order in perturbation theory. However, sometimes the equations can only be solved numerically. We reformulate the DRG in the language of differential geometry, which allows us to apply it to numerical solutions of the background and perturbation equations. This formulation also enables us to use the DRG in systems with background parameter flows, and therefore, extend our results to any order in perturbation theory. As an example, we apply this method to calculate the soliton-like solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equation deformed by adding a small damping term. We numerically construct DRG solutions which are valid on secular time scales, long after naive perturbation theory has broken down.
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