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Enhanced antiproton production in Pb(160 AGeV)+Pb reactions: evidence for quark gluon matter?

63   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Marcus Bleicher
 تاريخ النشر 2000
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The centrality dependence of the antiproton per participant ratio is studied in Pb(160 AGeV)+Pb reactions. Antiproton production in collisions of heavy nuclei at the CERN/SPS seems considerably enhanced as compared to conventional hadronic physics, given by the antiproton production rates in $pp$ and antiproton annihilation in $bar{p}p$ reactions. This enhancement is consistent with the observation of strong in-medium effects in other hadronic observables and may be an indication of partial restoration of chiral symmetry.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Predictions and comparisons of hadronic flow observables for Pb+Pb collisions at 2.76 A TeV and 5.02 A TeV are presented using a hydrodynamics + hadronic cascade hybrid approach. Initial conditions are generated via a new formulation of the IP-Glasma model and then evolved using relativistic viscous hydrodynamics and finally fed into transport cascade in the hadronic phase. The results of this work show excellent agreement with the recent charged hadron anisotropic flow measurements from the ALICE collaboration of Pb+Pb collisions at 5.02 A TeV. Event-by-event distributions of charged hadron v n , flow event-plane correlations, and flow factorization breaking ratios are compared with existing measurements at 2.76 A TeV, and are predicted at 5.02 A TeV. Further predictions of identified hadron observables (for both light and multi-strange hadrons), such as p T -spectra and anisotropic flow coefficients, are presented.
305 - V. Topor Pop 2013
Effects of strong longitudinal colour electric fields (SCF), shadowing, and quenching on the open prompt charm mesons (D$^0$, D$^+$, D$^{*+}$, D${_s}{^+}$) production in central Pb + Pb collisions at $sqrt{s_{rm NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV are investigated with in the framework of the {small HIJING/B=B v2.0} model. We compute the nuclear modification factor $R_{rm PbPb}^{rm D}$, and show that the above nuclear effects constitute important dynamical mechanisms in the description of experimental data. The strength of colour fields (as characterized by the string tension $kappa$), partonic energy loss and jet quenching process lead to a suppression factor consistent with recent published data. Predictions for future beauty mesons measurements have been included. Ratios of strange to non-strange prompt charm mesons in central Pb + Pb and minimum bias (MB) $ p + p$ collisions at 2.76 TeV are also discussed. Minimum bias $p + p$ collisions which constitute theoretical baseline in our calculations are studied at the centre of mass energies $sqrt{s}$ = 2.76 TeV and 7 TeV.
Jet-medium interaction involves two important effects: jet energy loss and medium response. The search for jet-induced medium excitations is one of the hot topics in jet quenching study in relativistic nuclear collisions. In this work, we perform a s ystematic study on how the lost energy from hard jets evolves with the bulk medium and redistributes in the final state of heavy-ion collisions via a multi-phase transport model. In particular, the ($Delta eta, Delta phi$) distribution of charged particles with respect to the jet axis and jet shape function are studied for various Pb+Pb collision centralities and for different transverse momentum intervals of charged particles. Our numerical result shows a strong enhancement of soft particles at large angles for Pb+Pb collisions relative to p+p collisions at the LHC, qualitatively consistent with recent CMS data. This indicates that a significant fraction of the lost energy from hard jets is carried by soft particles at large angles away from the jet axis.
114 - Sushanta Tripathy 2020
Recent results for high multiplicity pp and p-Pb collisions have revealed that they exhibit heavy-ion-like behaviors. To understand the origin(s) of these unexpected phenomena, event shape observables such as transverse spherocity ($S_{rm 0}^{p_{rm T } = 1}$) and the relative transverse activity classifier ($R_{rm{T}}$) can be exploited as a powerful tools to disentangle soft (non-perturbative) and hard (perturbative) particle production. Here, the production of light-flavor hadrons is shown for various $S_{rm 0}^{p_{rm T} = 1}$ classes in pp collisions at $sqrt{s}$ = 13 $textrm{TeV}$ measured with the ALICE detector at the LHC are presented. The evolution of average transverse momentum ($langle p_{rm T}rangle$) with charged-particle multiplicity, and identified particle ratios as a function of $p_{rm T}$ for different $S_{rm 0}^{p_{rm T} = 1}$ are also presented. In addition, the system size dependence of charged-particle production in pp, p-Pb, and Pb-Pb collisions at $sqrt{s_{rm NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV is presented. The evolution of $langle p_{rm T}rangle$ in different topological regions as a function of $R_{rm{T}}$ are presented. Finally, using the same approach, we present a search for jet quenching behavior in small collision systems.
156 - C. Gale , Y. Hidaka , S. Jeon 2014
We consider the thermal production of dileptons and photons at temperatures above the critical temperature in QCD. We use a model where color excitations are suppressed by a small value of the Polyakov loop, the semi Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). Compari ng the semi-QGP to the perturbative QGP, we find a mild enhancement of thermal dileptons. In contrast, to leading logarithmic order in weak coupling there are far fewer hard photons from the semi-QGP than the usual QGP. To illustrate the possible effects on photon and dileptons production in heavy ion collisions, we integrate the rate with a realistic hydrodynamic simulation. Dileptons uniformly exhibit a small flow, but the strong suppression of photons in the semi-QGP tends to bias the elliptical flow of photons to that generated in the hadronic phase.
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