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On the determination of the Fermi surface in high-Tc superconductors by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy

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 نشر من قبل Mike Norman
 تاريخ النشر 1999
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the normal state electronic excitations probed by angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) in Bi2201 and Bi2212. Our main goal is to establish explicit criteria for determining the Fermi surface from ARPES data on strongly interacting systems where sharply defined quasiparticles do not exist and the dispersion is very weak in parts of the Brillouin zone. Additional complications arise from strong matrix element variations within the zone. We present detailed results as a function of incident photon energy, and show simple experimental tests to distinguish between an intensity drop due to matrix element effects and spectral weight loss due to a Fermi crossing. We reiterate the use of polarization selection rules in disentangling the effect of umklapps due to the BiO superlattice in Bi2212. We conclude that, despite all the complications, the Fermi surface can be determined unambiguously: it is a single large hole barrel centered about (pi,pi) in both materials.

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اقرأ أيضاً

High resolution angle-resolved photoemission measurements are carried out to systematically investigate the effect of cleaving temperature on the electronic structure and Fermi surface of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$. Different from previous reports that high cleav ing temperature can suppress surface Fermi surface, we find that the surface Fermi surface remains obvious and strong in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ cleaved at high temperature, even at room temperature. This indicates that cleaving temperature is not a key effective factor in suppressing the surface bands. On the other hand, in the aged surface of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ that is cleaved and held for a long time, the bulk bands can be enhanced. We have also carried out laser ARPES measurements on Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ by using vacuum ultra-violet laser (photon energy at 6.994 eV) and found an obvious enhancement of bulk bands even for samples cleaved at low temperature. These information are important in realizing an effective approach in manipulating and detecting the surface and bulk electronic structure of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$. In particular, the enhancement of bulk sensitivity, together with its super-high instrumental resolution of VUV laser ARPES, will be advantageous in investigating fine electronic structure and superconducting properties of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ in the future.
161 - Louis Taillefer 2009
The recent observation of quantum oscillations in underdoped high-Tc superconductors, combined with their negative Hall coefficient at low temperature, reveals that the Fermi surface of hole-doped cuprates includes a small electron pocket. This stron gly suggests that the large hole Fermi surface characteristic of the overdoped regime undergoes a reconstruction caused by the onset of some order which breaks translational symmetry. Here we consider the possibility that this order is stripe order, a form of charge / spin modulation observed most clearly in materials like Eu-doped and Nd-doped LSCO. In these materials, the onset of stripe order is indeed the cause of Fermi-surface reconstruction. We identify the critical doping where this reconstruction occurs and show that the temperature dependence of transport coefficients at that doping is typical of metals at a quantum critical point. We discuss how the pseudogap phase may be a fluctuating precursor of the stripe-ordered phase.
The Fermi surface is a central concept in the theory of metals. Even though the optimally doped high temperature superconductors exhibit an anomalous normal state, angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) has revealed a large Fermi surface d espite the absence of well-defined quasiparticles and the necessity of working at finite temperatures. However, the even more unusual behavior in the underdoped high temperature superconductors, which show a pseudogap above Tc, requires us to carefully re-examine this concept. Here, we present the first results on how the Fermi surface is destroyed as a function of temperature in underdoped Bi2212 using ARPES. We find the remarkable effect that different k points become gapped at different temperatures. This leads to a break up of the Fermi surface at a temperature T* into disconnected Fermi arcs which shrink with decreasing T, eventually collapsing to the point nodes of the dx2-y2 superconducting ground state below Tc. This novel behavior, where the Fermi surface does not form a continuous contour in momentum space, is unprecedented in that it occurs in the absence of long range order. Moreover, although the d-wave superconducting gap below Tc smoothly evolves into the pseudogap above Tc, the gaps at different k points are not related to one another above Tc the same way as they are below, implying an intimate, but non-trivial relation, between the two.
In order to determine the orbital characters on the various Fermi surface pockets of the Fe-based superconductors Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ and FeSe$_{0.45}$Te$_{0.55}$, we introduce a method to calculate photoemission matrix elements. We c ompare our simulations to experimental data obtained with various experimental configurations of beam orientation and light polarization. We show that the photoemission intensity patterns revealed from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements of Fermi surface mappings and energy-momentum plots along high-symmetry lines exhibit asymmetries carrying precious information on the nature of the states probed, information that is destroyed after the data symmetrization process often performed in the analysis of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy data. Our simulations are consistent with Fermi surfaces originating mainly from the $d_{xy}$, $d_{xz}$ and $d_{yz}$ orbitals in these materials.
146 - Yan Liu , Jianzhou Zhao , Li Yu 2015
High resolution angle-resolved photoemission measurements have been carried out on transition metal dichalcogenide PdTe2 that is a superconductor with a Tc at 1.7 K. Combined with theoretical calculations, we have discovered for the first time the ex istence of topologically nontrivial surface state with Dirac cone in PbTe2 superconductor. It is located at the Brillouin zone center and possesses helical spin texture. Distinct from the usual three-dimensional topological insulators where the Dirac cone of the surface state lies at the Fermi level, the Dirac point of the surface state in PdTe2 lies deep below the Fermi level at ~1.75 eV binding energy and is well separated from the bulk states. The identification of topological surface state in PdTe2 superconductor deep below the Fermi level provides a unique system to explore for new phenomena and properties and opens a door for finding new topological materials in transition metal chalcogenides.
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