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Anyonic Partition Functions and Windings of Planar Brownian Motion

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 نشر من قبل ul
 تاريخ النشر 1994
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The computation of the $N$-cycle brownian paths contribution $F_N(alpha)$ to the $N$-anyon partition function is adressed. A detailed numerical analysis based on random walk on a lattice indicates that $F_N^{(0)}(alpha)= prod_{k=1}^{N-1}(1-{Nover k}alpha)$. In the paramount $3$-anyon case, one can show that $F_3(alpha)$ is built by linear states belonging to the bosonic, fermionic, and mixed representations of $S_3$.

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اقرأ أيضاً

95 - Ron A. Doney 2012
Using a generalization of the skew-product representation of planar Brownian motion and the analogue of Spitzers celebrated asymptotic Theorem for stable processes due to Bertoin and Werner, for which we provide a new easy proof, we obtain some limit Theorems for the exit time from a cone of stable processes of index $alphain(0,2)$. We also study the case $trightarrow0$ and we prove some Laws of the Iterated Logarithm (LIL) for the (well-defined) winding process associated to our planar stable process.
79 - Ran Wang , Yimin Xiao 2021
Let $X:={X(t)}_{tge0}$ be a generalized fractional Brownian motion (GFBM) introduced by Pang and Taqqu (2019): $$ big{X(t)big}_{tge0}overset{d}{=}left{ int_{mathbb R} left((t-u)_+^{alpha}-(-u)_+^{alpha} right) |u|^{-gamma} B(du) right}_{tge0}, $$ with parameters $gamma in (0, 1/2)$ and $alphain left(-frac12+ gamma , , frac12+ gamma right)$. Continuing the studies of sample path properties of GFBM $X$ in Ichiba, Pang and Taqqu (2021) and Wang and Xiao (2021), we establish integral criteria for the lower functions of $X$ at $t=0$ and at infinity by modifying the arguments of Talagrand (1996). As a consequence of the integral criteria, we derive the Chung-type laws of the iterated logarithm of $X$ at the $t=0$ and at infinity, respectively. This solves a problem in Wang and Xiao (2021).
An equitable $k$-partition of a graph $G$ is a collection of induced subgraphs $(G[V_1],G[V_2],ldots,G[V_k])$ of $G$ such that $(V_1,V_2,ldots,V_k)$ is a partition of $V(G)$ and $-1le |V_i|-|V_j|le 1$ for all $1le i<jle k$. We prove that every planar graph admits an equitable $2$-partition into $3$-degenerate graphs, an equitable $3$-partition into $2$-degenerate graphs, and an equitable $3$-partition into two forests and one graph.
The behavior of quenched Dirac spectra of two-dimensional lattice QCD is consistent with spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking which is forbidden according to the Coleman-Mermin-Wagner theorem. One possible resolution of this paradox is that, because of the bosonic determinant in the partially quenched partition function, the conditions of this theorem are violated allowing for spontaneous symmetry breaking in two dimensions or less. This goes back to work by Niedermaier and Seiler on nonamenable symmetries of the hyperbolic spin chain and earlier work by two of the auhtors on bosonic partition functions at nonzero chemical potential. In this talk we discuss chiral symmetry breaking for the bosonic partition function of QCD at nonzero isospin chemical potential and a bosonic random matrix theory at imaginary chemical potential and compare the results with the fermionic counterpart. In both cases the chiral symmetry group of the bosonic partition function is noncompact.
Localization methods have produced explicit expressions for the sphere partition functions of (2,2) superconformal field theories. The mirror symmetry conjecture predicts an IR duality between pairs of Abelian gauged linear sigma models, a class of w hich describe families of Calabi-Yau manifolds realizable as complete intersections in toric varieties. We investigate this prediction for the sphere partition functions and find agreement between that of a model and its mirror up to the scheme-dependent ambiguities inherent in the definitions of these quantities.
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