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Out-of-plane magnetization reversal processes of (Ga,Mn)As with two different hole concentrations

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 نشر من قبل Kohei Hamaya
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study magnetization reversal processes of in-plane magnetized (Ga,Mn)As epilayers with different hole concentrations in out-of-plane magnetic fields using magnetotransport measurements. A clear difference in the magnetization process is found in two separate samples with hole concentrations of 10^20 cm^-3 and 10^21 cm^-3 as the magnetization rotates from the out-of-plane saturation to the in-plane remanence. Magnetization switching process from the in-plane remanence to the out-of-plane direction, on the other hand, shows no hole concentration dependence, where the switching process occurs via domain wall propagation. We show that the balance of <100> cubic magnetocrystalline anisotropy and uniaxial [110] anisotropy gives an understanding of the difference in the out-of-plane magnetization processes of (Ga,Mn)As epilayers.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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We report single-color, time resolved magneto-optical measurements in ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As. We demonstrate coherent optical control of the magnetization precession by applying two successive ultrashort laser pulses. The magnetic fiel d and temperature dependent experiments reveal the collective Mn-moment nature of the oscillatory part of the time-dependent Kerr rotation, as well as contributions to the magneto-optical signal that are not connected with the magnetization dynamics.
We study a possible mechanism of the switching of the magnetic easy axis as a function of hole concentration in (Ga,Mn)As epilayers. In-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy along [110] is found to exceed intrinsic cubic magnetocrystalline anisotropy ab ove a hole concentration of p = 1.5 * 10^21 cm^-3 at 4 K. This anisotropy switching can also be realized by post-growth annealing, and the temperature-dependent ac susceptibility is significantly changed with increasing annealing time. On the basis of our recent scenario [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 147203 (2005); Phys. Rev. B 73, 155204 (2006).], we deduce that the growth of highly hole-concentrated cluster regions with [110] uniaxial anisotropy is likely the predominant cause of the enhancement in [110] uniaxial anisotropy at the high hole concentration regime. We can clearly rule out anisotropic lattice strain as a possible origin of the switching of the magnetic anisotropy.
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We report dynamic control of magnetization precession by light alone. A ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As epilayer was used for experiments. Amplitude of precession was modulated to a large extent by tuning the time interval between two successive optical pump pulses which induced torques on magnetization through a non-thermal process. Nonlinear effect in precession motion was also discussed.
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