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We find that a temperature differential can drive superfluid oscillations in 4He. The oscillations are excited by a heater which causes a time dependent temperature differential across an array of 70nm apertures. By measuring the oscillation frequency and simultaneously determining both temperature and pressure differentials we prove the validity of the most general form of the Josephson frequency relation. These observations were made near saturated vapor pressure, within a few mK of the superfluid transition temperature.
Fundamental considerations predict that macroscopic quantum systems such as superfluids and the electrons in superconductors will exhibit oscillatory motion when pushed through a small constriction. Here we report the observation of these oscillation
The rich dynamics of flow between two weakly coupled macroscopic quantum reservoirs has led to a range of important technologies. Practical development has so far been limited to superconducting systems, for which the basic building block is the so-c
Matter-wave interferometers reveal some of the most fascinating phenomena of the quantum world. Phase shifts due to rotation (the Sagnac effect) for neutrons, free atoms and superfluid 3He reveal the connection of matter waves to a non-rotating inert
In this work, a Josephson relation is generalized to a multi-component fermion superfluid. Superfluid density is expressed through a two-particle Green function for pairing channels. When the system has only one gapless collective excitation mode, th
We have developed a Josephson parametric amplifier, comprising a superconducting coplanar waveguide resonator terminated by a dc SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device). An external field (the pump, $sim 20$ GHz) modulates the flux thread