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In-Orbit Performance of the Hard X-ray Detector on board Suzaku

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 نشر من قبل Motohide Kokubun
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The in-orbit performance and calibration of the Hard X-ray Detector (HXD) on board the X-ray astronomy satellite Suzaku are described. Its basic performances, including a wide energy bandpass of 10-600 keV, energy resolutions of ~4 keV (FWHM) at 40 keV and ~11% at 511 keV, and a high background rejection efficiency, have been confirmed by extensive in-orbit calibrations. The long-term gains of PIN-Si diodes have been stable within 1% for half a year, and those of scintillators have decreased by 5-20%. The residual non-X-ray background of the HXD is the lowest among past non-imaging hard X-ray instruments in energy ranges of 15-70 and 150-500 keV. We provide accurate calibrations of energy responses, angular responses, timing accuracy of the HXD, and relative normalizations to the X-ray CCD cameras using multiple observations of the Crab Nebula.

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اقرأ أيضاً

162 - Yukikatsu Terada 2007
The hard X-ray detector (HXD) on board the X-ray satellite Suzaku is designed to have a good timing capability with a 61 $mu$s time resolution. In addition to detailed descriptions of the HXD timing system, results of in-orbit timing calibration and performance of the HXD are summarized. The relative accuracy of time measurements of the HXD event was confirmed to have an accuracy of $1.9times 10^{-9}$ s s$^{-1}$ per day, and the absolute timing was confirmed to be accurate to 360 $mu$s or better. The results were achieved mainly through observations of the Crab pulsar, including simultaneous ones with RXTE, INTEGRAL, and Swift.
62 - T. Takahashi , K. Abe , M. Endo 2006
The Hard X-ray Detector (HXD) on board Suzaku covers a wide energy range from 10 keV to 600 keV by combination of silicon PIN diodes and GSO scintillators. The HXD is designed to achieve an extremely low in-orbit back ground based on a combination of new techniques, including the concept of well-type active shield counter. With an effective area of 142 cm^2 at 20 keV and 273 cm2 at 150 keV, the background level at the sea level reached ~1x10^{-5} cts s^{-1} cm^{-2} keV^{-1} at 30 keV for the PI N diodes, and ~2x10^{-5} cts s^{-1} cm^{-2} keV^{-1} at 100 keV, and ~7x10^{-6} cts s^{-1} cm^{-2} keV^{-1} at 200 keV for the phoswich counter. Tight active shielding of the HXD results in a large array of guard counters surrounding the main detector parts. These anti-coincidence counters, made of ~4 cm thick BGO crystals, have a large effective area for sub-MeV to MeV gamma-rays. They work as an excellent gamma-ray burst monitor with limited angular resolution (~5 degree). The on-board signal-processing system and the data transmitted to the ground are also described.
Improvements of in-orbit calibration of GSO scintillators in the Hard X-ray Detector on board Suzaku are reported. To resolve an apparent change of the energy scale of GSO which appeared across the launch for unknown reasons, consistent and thorough re-analyses of both pre-launch and in-orbit data have been performed. With laboratory experiments using spare hardware, the pulse height offset, corresponding to zero energy input, was found to change by ~0.5 of the full analog voltage scale, depending on the power supply. Furthermore, by carefully calculating all the light outputs of secondaries from activation lines used in the in-orbit gain determination, their energy deposits in GSO were found to be effectively lower, by several percent, than their nominal energies. Taking both these effects into account, the in-orbit data agrees with the on-ground measurements within ~5%, without employing the artificial correction introduced in the previous work (Kokubun et al. 2007). With this knowledge, we updated the data processing, the response, and the auxiliary files of GSO, and reproduced the HXD-PIN and HXD-GSO spectra of the Crab Nebula over 12-300 keV by a broken powerlaw with a break energy of ~110 keV.
Hitomi (ASTRO-H) carries two Hard X-ray Telescopes (HXTs) that can focus X-rays up to 80 keV. Combined with the Hard X-ray Imagers (HXIs) that detect the focused X-rays, imaging spectroscopy in the high-energy band from 5 keV to 80 keV is made possib le. We studied characteristics of HXTs after the launch such as the encircled energy function (EEF) and the effective area using the data of a Crab observation. The half power diameters (HPDs) in the 5--80 keV band evaluated from the EEFs are 1.59 arcmin for HXT-1 and 1.65 arcmin for HXT-2. Those are consistent with the HPDs measured with ground experiments when uncertainties are taken into account. We can conclude that there is no significant change in the characteristics of the HXTs before and after the launch. The off-axis angle of the aim point from the optical axis is evaluated to be less than 0.5 arcmin for both HXT-1 and HXT-2. The best-fit parameters for the Crab spectrum obtained with the HXT-HXI system are consistent with the canonical values.
Diffuse X-rays from the Galactic center (GC) region were found to exhibit many K-shell lines from iron and nickel atoms in the 6--9 keV band. The strong emission lines seen in the spectrum are neutral iron K$alpha$ at 6.4~keV, He-like iron K$alpha$ a t 6.7~keV, H-like iron Ly$alpha$ at 6.9~keV, and He-like iron K$beta$ at 7.8~keV. Among them, the 6.4~keV emission line is a probe of non-thermal phenomena. We have detected strong 6.4~keV emission in several giant molecular clouds, some of which were newly discovered by Suzaku. All the spectra exhibit large equivalent widths of 1-2~keV and absorption columns of $2-10times 10^{23}{rm H cm}^{-2}$. We found time variability of diffuse 6.4~keV emission in the Sgr B2 region comparing the maps and spectra obtained from 1994 to 2005 with ASCA, Chandra, XMM-Newton and Suzaku. We also report discovery of K$alpha$ lines of neutral argon, calcium, chrome, and manganese atoms in the Sgr~A region. We show that the equivalent width of the 6.4~keV emission line detected in X-ray faint region against the 6.4 keV-associated continuum (power-law component) is $sim 800 {rm eV}$. These features are naturally explained by the X-ray reflection nebula scenario rather than the low energy cosmic-ray electrons scenario. On the other hand, a 6.4~keV clump, G~0.162$-$0.217, discovered at the south end of the Radio Arc has a small equivalent width of 6.4~keV emission line of $sim200 {rm eV}$. The Radio Arc is a site of relativistic electrons. Thus, it is conceivable that the X-rays of G~0.162$-$0.217 are due to low energy cosmic-ray electrons
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