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On the mass-to-light ratio of the local Galactic disc and the optical luminosity of the Galaxy

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 نشر من قبل Chris Flynn
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We measure the volume luminosity density and surface luminosity density generated by the Galactic disc, using accurate data on the local luminosity function and the discs vertical structure. From the well measured volume mass density and surface mass density, we derive local volume and surface mass-to-light ratios for the Galactic disc, in the bands B, V and I. We obtain mass-to-light ratios for the local column of stellar matter of (M/L)_B = 1.4 +/- 0.2, (M/L)_V = 1.5 +/- 0.2 and (M/L)_I = 1.2 +/- 0.2. The dominant contributors to the surface luminosity in these bands are main sequence turn-off stars and giants. Our results on the colours and mass-to-light ratios for the ``Solar cylinder well agree with population synthesis predictions using Initial Mass Functions typical of the Solar Neighbourhood. Finally we infer the global luminosity of the Milky Way, which appears to be under-luminous by about 1-sigma with respect to the main locus of the Tully-Fisher relation, as observed for external galaxies.

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506 - A. Just 2015
A new sample of stars, representative of the solar neighbourhood luminosity function, is constructed from the Hipparcos catalogue and the Fifth Catalogue of Nearby Stars. We have cross-matched to sources in the 2MASS catalogue so that for all stars i ndividually determined Near Infrared photometry (NIR) is available on a homogeneous system (typically K_s). The spatial completeness of the sample has been carefully determined by statistical methods, and the NIR luminosity function of the stars has been derived by direct star counts. We find a local volume luminosity of 0.121 +/- 0.004 L_K_sun/(pc**3), corresponding to a volumetric mass-to-light ratio of M/L_K = 0.31 +/- 0.02 M_sun/L_K_sun, where giants contribute 80 per cent to the light but less than 2 per cent to the stellar mass. We derive the surface brightness of the solar cylinder with the help of a vertical disc model. We find a surface brightness of 99 L_K_sun/(pc**2) with an uncertainty of approximately 10 %. This corresponds to a mass-to-light ratio for the solar cylinder of M/L_K = 0.34 M_sun/L_K_sun. The mass-to-light ratio for the solar cylinder is only 10% larger than the local value despite the fact that the local population has a much larger contribution of young stars. It turns out that the effective scale heights of the lower main sequence carrying most of the mass is similar to that of the giants, which are dominating the NIR light. The corresponding colour for the solar cylinder is V-K=2.89 mag compared to the local value of V-K = 2.46 mag. An extrapolation of the local surface brightness to the whole Milky Way yields a total luminosity of M_K = -24.2 mag. The Milky Way falls in the range of K band Tully-Fisher (TF) relations from the literature.
Our goal is to characterise the dependence of the optical mass-to-light ratio on galaxy colour up to z = 1.5, expanding the redshift range explored in previous work. From the ALHAMBRA redshifts, stellar masses, and rest-frame luminosities provided by the MUFFIT code, we derive the mass-to-light ratio vs. colour relation (MLCR) both for quiescent and star-forming galaxies. The intrinsic relation and its physical dispersion are derived with a Bayesian inference model. The rest-frame i-band mass-to-light ratio of quiescent and star-forming galaxies presents a tight correlation with the rest-frame (g - i) colour up to z = 1.5. Such MLCR is linear for quiescent galaxies and quadratic for star-forming galaxies. The intrinsic dispersion in these relations is 0.02 dex for quiescent galaxies and 0.06 dex for star-forming ones. The derived MLCRs do not present a significant redshift evolution and are compatible with previous local results in the literature. Finally, these tight relations also hold for g- and r-band luminosities. The derived MLCRs in ALHAMBRA can be used to predict the mass-to-light ratio from a rest-frame optical colour up to z = 1.5. These tight correlations do not change with redshift, suggesting that galaxies have evolved along the derived relations during the last 9 Gyr.
128 - Jennifer M. Lotz 2009
The majority of galaxy mergers are expected to be minor mergers. The observational signatures of minor mergers are not well understood, thus there exist few constraints on the minor merger rate. This paper seeks to address this gap in our understandi ng by determining if and when minor mergers exhibit disturbed morphologies and how they differ from the morphology of major mergers. We simulate a series of unequal-mass moderate gas-fraction disc galaxy mergers. With the resulting g-band images, we determine how the time-scale for identifying galaxy mergers via projected separation and quantitative morphology (the Gini coefficient G, asymmetry A, and the second-order moment of the brightest 20% of the light M20) depends on the merger mass ratio, relative orientations and orbital parameters. We find that G-M20 is as sensitive to 9:1 baryonic mass ratio mergers as 1:1 mergers, with observability time-scales ~ 0.2-0.4 Gyr. In contrast, asymmetry finds mergers with baryonic mass ratios between 4:1 and 1:1 (assuming local disc galaxy gas-fractions). Asymmetry time-scales for moderate gas-fraction major disc mergers are ~ 0.2-0.4 Gyr, and less than 0.06 Gyr for moderate gas-fraction minor mergers. The relative orientations and orbits have little effect on the time-scales for morphological disturbances. Observational studies of close pairs often select major mergers by choosing paired galaxies with similar luminosities and/or stellar masses. Therefore, the various ways of finding galaxy mergers (G-M20, A, close pairs) are sensitive to galaxy mergers of different mass ratios. By comparing the frequency of mergers selected by different techniques, one may place empirical constraints on the major and minor galaxy merger rates.
368 - Jeremy L. Tinker 2004
We examine the dependence of the mass-to-light (M/L) ratio of large-scale structure on cosmological parameters, in models that are constrained to match observations of the projected galaxy correlation function w(rp). For a sequence of cosmological mo dels with a fixed P(k) shape and increasing normalization sig8, we find parameters of the galaxy halo occupation distribution (HOD) that reproduce SDSS measurements of w(rp) as a function of luminosity. Using these HOD models we calculate mean M/L ratios as a function of halo mass and populate halos of N-body simulations to compute M/L in larger scale environments, including cluster infall regions. For all cosmological models, the M/L ratio in high mass halos or high density regions is approximately independent of halo mass or smoothing scale. However, the plateau value of M/L depends on sig8 as well as Omega_m, and it represents the universal mass-to-light ratio <M/L> only for models in which the galaxy correlation function is approximately unbiased, i.e., with sig8 ~ sig8_gal. Our results for cluster mass halos follow the trend M/L = 577(Omega_m/0.3)(sig8/0.9)^{1.7} h Msun/Lsun. Combined with Carlberg et al.s (1996) mean M/L ratio of CNOC galaxy clusters, this relation implies (sig8/0.9)(Omega_m/0.3)^{0.6} = 0.75 +/- 0.06. M/L ratios of clusters from the SDSS and CAIRNS surveys yield similar results. This constraint is inconsistent with parameter values Omega_m ~ 0.3, sig8 ~ 0.9 favored by recent joint analyses of CMB measurements and other large-scale structure data. We discuss possible resolutions, none of which seems entirely satisfactory. Appendices present an improved formula for halo bias factors and an improved analytic technique for calculating the galaxy correlation function from a given cosmological model and HOD. (Abridged)
The dark matter content of early,- type galaxies (ETGs) is a hotly debated topic with contrasting results arguing in favour or against the presence of significant dark mass within the effective radius and the change with luminosity and mass. In order to address this question, we investigate here the global mass - to - light ratio $Upsilon(r) = M(r)/L(r)$ of a sample of 21 lenses observed within the Sloan Lens ACS (SLACS) survey. We follow the usual approach of modeling the galaxy as a two component systems, but we use a phenomenological ansatz for $Upsilon(r)$, proposed by some of us in Tortora et al. (2007), able to smoothly interpolate between constant $M/L$ models and a wide class of dark matter haloes. The resulting galaxy model is then fitted to the data on the Einstein radius and velocity dispersion. Our phenomenological model turns out to be in well agreement with the data suggesting the presence of massive dark matter haloes in order to explain the lensing and dynamics properties of the SLACS lenses. According to the values of the dark matter mass fraction, we argue that the halo may play a significant role in the inner regions probed by the data, but such a conclusion strongly depends on the adopted initial mass function of the stellar population. Finally, we find that the dark matter mass fraction within $R_{eff}$ scales with both the total luminosity and stellar mass in such a way that more luminous (and hence more massive) galaxies have a larger dark matter content.
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