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Sgr dSph: a bridge between Dwarf Galaxies and DLAs?

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 نشر من قبل Luca Sbordone
 تاريخ النشر 2003
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف L. Sbordone

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We present abundances for 12 giants in the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy (Sgr dSph) obtained from VLT - UVES spectra. Moving on a short period, polar orbit around the Milky Way, the Sgr dSph is undergoing tidal disruption and will eventually dissolve in the Halo.Our sample is dominated by a metal rich, alpha-element-poor population, indicative of long chemical processing of the dSph gas during a slow, probably bursting star formation history. This population is the most metal-rich ever observed in a Dwarf Galaxy of the Local Group, and has the lowest alpha-element content. Placing the known abundances of the LG dwarfs on the [alpha/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] plane allows now to recognize a well defined evolutive sequence, different from the one followed by the MW disk stars, but apparently superimposed to the one followed by many of the Damped Lyman Alpha systems.

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We report on abundances of O, Mg, Si, Ca and Fe for 10 giants in the Sgr dwarf spheroidal derived from high resolution spectra obtained with UVES at the 8.2m Kueyen-VLT telescope. The iron abundance spans the range -0.8 <[Fe/H] < 0.0 and the dominant population is relatively metal-rich with [Fe/H] -0.25. The alpha/Fe ratios are slightly subsolar, even at the lowest observed metallicities suggesting a slow or bursting star formation rate. From our sample of 12 giants (including the two observed by Bonifacio et al 2000) we conclude that a substantial metal rich population exists in Sgr, which dominates the sample. The spectroscopic metallicities allow one to break the age-metallicity degeneracy in the interpretation of the colour-magnitude diagram (CMD). Comparison of isochrones of appropriate metallicity with the observed CMD suggests an age of 1 Gyr or younger, for the dominant Sgr population sampled by us. We argue that the observations support a star formation that is triggered by the passage of Sgr through the Galactic disc, both in Sgr and in the disc. This scenario has also the virtue of explaining the mysterious ``bulge C stars as disc stars formed in this event. The interaction of Sgr with the Milky Way is likely to have played a major role in its evolution.
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Are symmetries discovered or rather invented by humans ? The stand you may take firmly here reveals a lot of your epistemological position. Conversely, the arguments you may forge for answering to this question, or to one of its numerous narrower or broader variations, shape your whole philosophical thoughts; not specifically about science, by the way. I will try to show how physics helps to (re)consider this issue.
122 - J. P. U. Fynbo 2002
In 2000, we started the program ``Building the Bridge between Damped Ly-alpha Absorbers and Lyman-Break Galaxies: Ly-alpha Selection of Galaxies at the European Southern Observatorys Very Large Telescope. This project is an attempt to use Ly-alpha se lection of high-z galaxies to bridge the gap between absorption- and emission-selected galaxies by creating a large database of z=3 galaxies belonging to the abundant population of faint (R>25.5) galaxies probed by the Damped Ly-alpha Absorbers (DLAs). Here we present the first results of our program, namely the results from a deep Ly-alpha study of the field of the z=2.85 DLA towards Q2138-4427.
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