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Spectral and temporal properties of X-ray emission from the ultra-luminous source X-9 in M81

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 نشر من قبل Valentina La Parola
 تاريخ النشر 2001
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف V.La Parola

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We have analysed the spectra and the variability of individual X-ray sources in the M-81 field using data from the available ROSAT-PSPC and ROSAT-HRI observations of this nearby spiral galaxy. Here we present the results on the second brightest source in the field (X-9 - Fabbiano, 1988 ApJ 325 544), whose identification and interpretation is still unclear. Our work includes the study of the shape of X-9 from HRI data, the light curve and hardness ratio evolution, and the spectral analysis.

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اقرأ أيضاً

42 - V. La Parola , G. Peres 2001
The source X-9 was discovered with the {it Einstein Observatory} in the field of M81, and is located in the dwarf galaxy Holmberg IX. X-9 has a 0.2-4.0 keV luminosity of $sim 5.5times 10^{39}$ ergs~s$^{-1}$, if it is at the same distance as Holmberg IX (3.4 Mpc). This luminosity is above the Eddington luminosity of a 1~$M_{odot}$ compact accreting object. Past hypotheses on the nature of this Super-Eddington source included a SNR or supershell, an accreting compact object and a background QSO. To shed light on the nature of this source, we have obtained and analyzed archival data, including the {it Einstein} data, 23 ROSAT observations, Beppo-SAX and ASCA pointings. Our analysis reveals that most of the emission of X-9 arises from a point-like highly-variable source, and that lower luminosity extended emission may be associated with it. The spectrum of this source changes between low and high intensity states, in a way reminiscent of the spectra of galactic Black Hole candidates. Our result strongly suggest that X-9 is not a background QSO, but a bonafide `Super-Eddington source in Ho IX, a dwarf companion of M81.
195 - A. Senorita Devi 2008
We report variability of the X-ray source, X-7, in NGC 6946, during a 60 ksec Chandra observation when the count rate decreased by a factor of ~1.5 in ~5000 secs. Spectral fitting of the high and low count rate segments of the light curve reveal that the simplest and most probable interpretation is that the X-ray spectra are due to disk black body emission with an absorbing hydrogen column density equal to the Galactic value of 2.1 X 10^{21} cm^{-2}. During the variation, the inner disk temperature decreased from ~0.29 to ~0.26 keV while the inner disk radius remained constant at ~6 X 10^8 cm. This translates into a luminosity variation from 3.8 to 2.8 X 10^{39} ergs cm^{-2} sec^{-1} and a black hole mass of ~400 solar masses. More complicated models like assuming intrinsic absorption and/or the addition of a power-law component imply a higher luminosity and a larger black hole mass. Even if the emission is beamed by a factor of ~5, the size of the emitting region would be > 2.7 X 10^8 cm implying a black hole mass > 180 solar masses. Thus, these spectral results provide strong evidence that the mass of the black hole in this source is definitely > 100 solar masses and more probably ~400 solar masses.
116 - V. Jithesh 2017
We investigate the long-term spectral variability in the ultra-luminous X-ray source Holmberg IX X--1. By analyzing the data from eight {it Suzaku} and 13 {it XMM-Newton} observations conducted between 2001 and 2015, we perform a detailed spectral mo deling for all spectra with simple models and complex physical models. We find that the spectra can be well explained by a disc plus thermal Comptonization model. Applying this model, we unveil correlations between the X-ray luminosity ($L_{rm X}$) and the spectral parameters. Among the correlations, a particular one is the statistically significant positive correlation between $L_{rm X}$ and the photon index ($Gamma$), while at the high luminosities of $> 2times10^{40},{rm~erg s}^{-1}$, the source becomes marginally hard and that results a change in the slope of the $Gamma - L_{rm X}$ correlation. Similar variability behavior is observed in the optical depth of the source around $L_{rm X} sim 2times10^{40},{rm~erg s}^{-1}$ as the source becomes more optically thick. We consider the scenario that a corona covers the inner part of the disc, and the correlations can be explained as to be driven by the variability of seed photons from the disc input into the corona. On the basis of the disc-corona model, we discuss the physical processes that are possibly indicated by the variability of the spectral parameters. Our analysis reveals the complex variability behavior of Holmberg IX X--1 and the variability mechanism is likely related to the geometry of the X-ray emitting regions.
The recent discovery by Bachetti et al. (2014) of a pulsar in M82 that can reach luminosities of up to 10^40 ergs s^-1, a factor of ~100 the Eddington luminosity for a 1.4 Msol compact object, poses a challenge for accretion physics. In order to bett er understand the nature of this source and its duty cycle, and in the light of several physical models that have been subsequently published, we conduct a spectral and temporal analysis of the 0.5-8 keV X-ray emission from this source from 15 years of Chandra observations. We fit the Chandra spectra of the pulsar with a power-law model and a disk black body model, subjected to interstellar absorption in M82. We carefully assess for the effect of pile-up in our observations, where 4/19 observations have a pile-up fraction >10%, which we account for during spectral modeling with a convolution model. When fitted with a power-law model, the average photon index when the source is at high luminosity (L_X>10^39 ergs s^-1) is Gamma=1.33+/-0.15. For the disk black body model, the average temperature is T=3.24+/-0.65 keV, consistent with other luminous X-ray pulsars. We also investigated the inclusion of a soft excess component and spectral break, finding that the spectra are also consistent with these features common to luminous X-ray pulsars. In addition, we present spectral analysis from NuSTAR over the 3-50 keV range where we have isolated the pulsed component. We find that the pulsed emission in this band is best fit by a power-law with a high-energy cut-off, where Gamma=0.6+/-0.3 and E_C=14^{+5}_{-3} keV. While the pulsar has previously been identified as a transient, we find from our longer-baseline study that it has been remarkably active over the 15-year period, where for 9/19 (47%) observations that we analyzed, the pulsar appears to be emitting at a luminosity in excess of 10^39 ergs s^-1, greater than 10 times its Eddington limit.
57 - M.R. Goad 2002
We use archival HST/WFPC2 V and I band images to show that the optical counterpart to the ultra-luminous x-ray source NGC 5204 X-1, reported by Roberts et al., is composed of two sources separated by 0.5. We have also identified a third source as a p ossible counterpart, which lies 0.8 from the nominal x-ray position. PSF fitting photometry yields V-band magnitudes of 20.3, 22.0 and 22.4 for the three sources. The V-I band colours are 0.6, 0.1, and -0.2, respectively (i.e. the fainter sources are bluer). We find that all V-I colours and luminosities are consistent with those expected for young stellar clusters (age <10 Myr).
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