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Walk/Zeta Correspondence for quantum and correlated random walks

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 نشر من قبل Norio Konno
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper, following the recent paper on Walk/Zeta Correspondence by the first author and his coworkers, we compute the zeta function for the three- and four-state quantum walk and correlated random walk, and the multi-state random walk on the one-dimensional torus by using the Fourier analysis. We deal with also the four-state quantum walk and correlated random walk on the two-dimensional torus. In addition, we introduce a new class of models determined by the generalized Grover matrix bridging the gap between the Grover matrix and the positive-support of the Grover matrix. Finally, we give a generalized version of the Konno-Sato theorem for the new class. As a corollary, we calculate the zeta function for the generalized Grover matrix on the d-dimensional torus.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Our previous work presented explicit formulas for the generalized zeta function and the generalized Ihara zeta function corresponding to the Grover walk and the positive-support version of the Grover walk on the regular graph via the Konno-Sato theor em, respectively. This paper extends these walks to a class of walks including random walks, correlated random walks, quantum walks, and open quantum random walks on the torus by the Fourier analysis.
Our previous works presented zeta functions by the Konno-Sato theorem or the Fourier analysis for one-particle models including random walks, correlated random walks, quantum walks, and open quantum random walks. This paper presents a zeta function f or multi-particle models with probabilistic or quantum interactions, called the interacting particle system (IPS). The zeta function for the tensor-type IPS is computed.
In our previous work, we investigated the relation between zeta functions and discrete-time models including random and quantum walks. In this paper, we introduce a zeta function for the continuous-time model (CTM) and consider CTMs including the cor responding random and quantum walks on the d-dimensional torus.
Recently the Ihara zeta function for the finite graph was extended to infinite one by Clair and Chinta et al. In this paper, we obtain the same expressions by a different approach from their analytical method. Our new approach is to take a suitable l imit of a sequence of finite graphs via the Konno-Sato theorem. This theorem is related to explicit formulas of characteristic polynomials for the evolution matrix of the Grover walk. The walk is one of the most well-investigated quantum walks which are quantum counterpart of classical random walks. We call the relation between the Grover walk and the zeta function based on the Konno-Sato theorem Grover/Zeta Correspondence here.
We introduce a minimal set of physically motivated postulates that the Hamiltonian H of a continuous-time quantum walk should satisfy in order to properly represent the quantum counterpart of the classical random walk on a given graph. We found that these conditions are satisfied by infinitely many quantum Hamiltonians, which provide novel degrees of freedom for quantum enhanced protocols, In particular, the on-site energies, i.e. the diagonal elements of H, and the phases of the off-diagonal elements are unconstrained on the quantum side. The diagonal elements represent a potential energy landscape for the quantum walk, and may be controlled by the interaction with a classical scalar field, whereas, for regular lattices in generic dimension, the off-diagonal phases of H may be tuned by the interaction with a classical gauge field residing on the edges, e.g., the electro-magnetic vector potential for a charged walker.
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