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Automatic Symmetry Discovery with Lie Algebra Convolutional Network

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 نشر من قبل Nima Dehmamy
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Existing equivariant neural networks for continuous groups require discretization or group representations. All these approaches require detailed knowledge of the group parametrization and cannot learn entirely new symmetries. We propose to work with the Lie algebra (infinitesimal generators) instead of the Lie group.Our model, the Lie algebra convolutional network (L-conv) can learn potential symmetries and does not require discretization of the group. We show that L-conv can serve as a building block to construct any group equivariant architecture. We discuss how CNNs and Graph Convolutional Networks are related to and can be expressed as L-conv with appropriate groups. We also derive the MSE loss for a single L-conv layer and find a deep relation with Lagrangians used in physics, with some of the physics aiding in defining generalization and symmetries in the loss landscape. Conversely, L-conv could be used to propose more general equivariant ansatze for scientific machine learning.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Graph convolutional networks are becoming indispensable for deep learning from graph-structured data. Most of the existing graph convolutional networks share two big shortcomings. First, they are essentially low-pass filters, thus the potentially use ful middle and high frequency band of graph signals are ignored. Second, the bandwidth of existing graph convolutional filters is fixed. Parameters of a graph convolutional filter only transform the graph inputs without changing the curvature of a graph convolutional filter function. In reality, we are uncertain about whether we should retain or cut off the frequency at a certain point unless we have expert domain knowledge. In this paper, we propose Automatic Graph Convolutional Networks (AutoGCN) to capture the full spectrum of graph signals and automatically update the bandwidth of graph convolutional filters. While it is based on graph spectral theory, our AutoGCN is also localized in space and has a spatial form. Experimental results show that AutoGCN achieves significant improvement over baseline methods which only work as low-pass filters.
Recently, some Neural Architecture Search (NAS) techniques are proposed for the automatic design of Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) architectures. They bring great convenience to the use of GCN, but could hardly apply to the Federated Learning (FL) scenarios with distributed and private datasets, which limit their applications. Moreover, they need to train many candidate GCN models from scratch, which is inefficient for FL. To address these challenges, we propose FL-AGCNS, an efficient GCN NAS algorithm suitable for FL scenarios. FL-AGCNS designs a federated evolutionary optimization strategy to enable distributed agents to cooperatively design powerful GCN models while keeping personal information on local devices. Besides, it applies the GCN SuperNet and a weight sharing strategy to speed up the evaluation of GCN models. Experimental results show that FL-AGCNS can find better GCN models in short time under the FL framework, surpassing the state-of-the-arts NAS methods and GCN models.
We train a single, goal-conditioned policy that can solve many robotic manipulation tasks, including tasks with previously unseen goals and objects. We rely on asymmetric self-play for goal discovery, where two agents, Alice and Bob, play a game. Ali ce is asked to propose challenging goals and Bob aims to solve them. We show that this method can discover highly diverse and complex goals without any human priors. Bob can be trained with only sparse rewards, because the interaction between Alice and Bob results in a natural curriculum and Bob can learn from Alices trajectory when relabeled as a goal-conditioned demonstration. Finally, our method scales, resulting in a single policy that can generalize to many unseen tasks such as setting a table, stacking blocks, and solving simple puzzles. Videos of a learned policy is available at https://robotics-self-play.github.io.
Face recognition is an important yet challenging problem in computer vision. A major challenge in practical face recognition applications lies in significant variations between profile and frontal faces. Traditional techniques address this challenge either by synthesizing frontal faces or by pose invariant learning. In this paper, we propose a novel method with Lie algebra theory to explore how face rotation in the 3D space affects the deep feature generation process of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). We prove that face rotation in the image space is equivalent to an additive residual component in the feature space of CNNs, which is determined solely by the rotation. Based on this theoretical finding, we further design a Lie Algebraic Residual Network (LARNet) for tackling pose robust face recognition. Our LARNet consists of a residual subnet for decoding rotation information from input face images, and a gating subnet to learn rotation magnitude for controlling the strength of the residual component contributing to the feature learning process. Comprehensive experimental evaluations on both frontal-profile face datasets and general face recognition datasets convincingly demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art ones.
For health prognostic task, ever-increasing efforts have been focused on machine learning-based methods, which are capable of yielding accurate remaining useful life (RUL) estimation for industrial equipment or components without exploring the degrad ation mechanism. A prerequisite ensuring the success of these methods depends on a wealth of run-to-failure data, however, run-to-failure data may be insufficient in practice. That is, conducting a substantial amount of destructive experiments not only is high costs, but also may cause catastrophic consequences. Out of this consideration, an enhanced RUL framework focusing on data self-generation is put forward for both non-cyclic and cyclic degradation patterns for the first time. It is designed to enrich data from a data-driven way, generating realistic-like time-series to enhance current RUL methods. First, high-quality data generation is ensured through the proposed convolutional recurrent generative adversarial network (CR-GAN), which adopts a two-channel fusion convolutional recurrent neural network. Next, a hierarchical framework is proposed to combine generated data into current RUL estimation methods. Finally, the efficacy of the proposed method is verified through both non-cyclic and cyclic degradation systems. With the enhanced RUL framework, an aero-engine system following non-cyclic degradation has been tested using three typical RUL models. State-of-art RUL estimation results are achieved by enhancing capsule network with generated time-series. Specifically, estimation errors evaluated by the index score function have been reduced by 21.77%, and 32.67% for the two employed operating conditions, respectively. Besides, the estimation error is reduced to zero for the Lithium-ion battery system, which presents cyclic degradation.

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