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Possible multipolar density wave in NdFe$_2$Ga$_8$

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 نشر من قبل Shiliang Li
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the magnetism in NdFe$_2$Ga$_8$ by the neutron-diffraction and thermal-expansion techniques. Thermodynamical measurements have demonstrated that there are two magnetic transitions at 10 and 14.5 K, respectively. Neutron-diffraction measurements confirm that the lower one is an antiferromagnetic transition with a commensurate magnetic structure. Both the commensurate and incommensurate magnetic peaks are found below the higher transition but their intensities only gradually increases with decreasing temperature. Below 10 K, the commensurate peak intensity increases quickly with decreasing temperature, signaling the antiferromagnetic transition, while the incommensurate peak intensity disappears below 5 K. We attribute the high-temperature magnetic transition as a multipolar order, which induces incommensurate magnetic peaks. The multipolar ordering is suppressed by field at about 7 T, where the linear {Gruneisen} parameter along $c$-axis diverges with decreasing temperature as $T^{-1}$. Our results suggest that NdFe$_2$Ga$_8$ exhibits a multipolar density wave that is analogous to the spin density wave for the dipole moment.

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We revisited the anisotropy of the heavy-fermion material CeCo$_2$Ga$_8$ by measuring the electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility along all the principal $mathbf{a}$-, $mathbf{b}$- and $mathbf{c}$-axes. Resistivity along $mathbf{c}$-axis ( $rho_c$) shows clear Kondo coherence below about 17 K, while both $rho_{a}$ and $rho_{b}$ remain incoherent down to 2 K. The magnetic anisotropy is well understood within the theoretical frame of crystalline electric field effect in combination with magnetic exchange interactions. We found the anisotropy ratio of these magnetic exchange interactions, $|J_{ex}^c/J_{ex}^{a,b}|$, reaches a large value of 4-5. We, therefore, firmly demonstrate that CeCo$_2$Ga$_8$ is a quasi-one-dimensional heavy-fermion compound both electrically and magnetically, and thus provide a realistic example of textit{Kondo chain}.
268 - J. Robert 2014
The orthorhombic compound NdFe$_2$Al$_{10}$ has been studied by powder and single-crystal neutron diffraction. Below $T_N$ = 3.9 K, the Nd$^{3+}$ magnetic moments order in a double-$k$ [$mathbf{k}_1 = (0, frac{3}{4}, 0)$, $mathbf{k}_2 = (0, frac{1}{4 }, 0)$] collinear magnetic structure, whose unit cell consists of four orthorhombic units in the $b$ direction.The refinements show that this structure consists of (0 1 0) ferromagnetic planes stacked along $b$, in which the moments are oriented parallel to $a$ (the easy anisotropy axis according to bulk magnetization measurements) and nearly equal in magnitude ($approx 1.7-1.9 mu_B$). The alternating 8-plane sequence providing the best agreement to the data turns out to be that which yields the lowest exchange energy if one assumes antiferromagnetic near-neighbor exchange interactions with $J_1 gg J_2, J_3$. With increasing temperature, the single-crystal measurements indicate the suppression of the $mathbf{k}_2$ component at $T = 2.7$ K, supporting the idea that the anomalies previously observed around 2--2.5 K result from a squaring transition. In a magnetic field applied along the $a$ axis, the magnetic Bragg satellites disappear at $H_c = 2.45$ T, in agreement with earlier measurements. Comparisons are made with related magnetic orders occurring in Ce$T_2$Al$_{10}$ ($T$: Ru, Os) and TbFe$_2$Al$_{10}$.
CeRh2As2 has recently been reported to be a rare case of multi-phase unconventional superconductor [S. Khim et al., arXiv:2101.09522] close to a quantum critical point (QCP). Here, we present a comprehensive study of its normal state properties and o f the phase (I) below To ~ 0.4 K which preempts superconductivity at Tc = 0.26 K. The 2nd-order phase transition at To presents signatures in specific heat and thermal expansion, but none in magnetization and ac-susceptibility, indicating a non-magnetic origin of phase I. In addition, an upturn of the in-plane resistivity at To points to a gap opening at the Fermi level in the basal plane. Thermal expansion indicates a strong positive pressure dependence of To , dTo/dp = 1.5 K/GPa, in contrast to the strong negative pressure coefficient observed for magnetic order in Ce-based Kondo lattices close to a QCP. Similarly, an in-plane magnetic field shifts To to higher temperatures and transforms phase I into another non-magnetic phase (II) through a 1st-order phase transition at about 9 T. Using renormalized band structure calculations, we found that the Kondo effect (TK ~ 30 K) leads to substantial mixing of the excited crystalline-electric-field (CEF) states into the ground state. This allows quadrupolar degrees of freedom in the resulting heavy bands at the Fermi level which are prone to nesting. The huge sensitivity of the quadrupole moment on hybridization together with nesting would cause an unprecedented case of phase transition into a quadrupole-density-wave (QDW) state at a temperature To << TK , which would explain the nature of phase I and II.
396 - N. Giles-Donovan 2020
Spin density waves, based on modulated local moments, are usually associated with metallic materials, but have recently been reported in insulators which display coupled magnetic and structural order parameters. We discuss one such example, the multi ferroic Cu$_3$Nb$_2$O$_8$, which is reported to undergo two magnetic phase transitions, first to a spin density wave phase at $T_N approx 26.5K$, and then to a helicoidal structure coupled to an electric polarization below $T_2 approx 24K$ [R. D. Johnson, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 137205 (2011)] which breaks the crystallographic inversion symmetry. We apply spherical polarimetry to confirm the low-temperature magnetic structure, yet only observe a single magnetic phase transition to helicoidal order. We argue that the reported spin density wave originates from a decoupling of the components of the magnetic order parameter, as allowed by symmetry and driven by thermal fluctuations. This provides a mechanism for the magnetic, but not nuclear, structure to break inversion symmetry thereby creating an intermediate phase where the structure imitates a spin density wave. As the temperature is reduced, this intermediate structure destabilizes the crystal such that a structural chirality is induced, as reflected by the emergence of the electric polarization, and the imitation spin density wave relaxes into a generic helicoid. This provides a situation where the magnetic structure breaks inversion symmetry while the crystal structure remains centrosymmetric.
We investigated the effect of application of hydrostatic pressure on the charge-density wave (CDW) state in Lu(Pt$_{1-x}$Pd$_x$)$_2$In by electrical-resistivity measurements. In Lu(Pt$_{0.7}$Pd$_{0.3}$)$_{2}$In we find an increase of the CDW transiti on temperature upon application of pressure, which is not expected based on simple volume arguments, but in line with results of a theoretical work by Kim et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 157001 (2020).]. Combining experimental and theoretical results suggests the existence of a CDW quantum critical point in stoichiometric LuPd$_2$In around $papprox20$ GPa.
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