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On computing bound states of the Dirac and Schrodinger Equations

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 نشر من قبل Gregory Beylkin
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We cast the quantum chemistry problem of computing bound states as that of solving a set of auxiliary eigenvalue problems for a family of parameterized compact integral operators. The compactness of operators assures that their spectrum is discrete and bounded with the only possible accumulation point at zero. We show that, by changing the parameter, we can always find the bound states, i.e., the eigenfunctions that satisfy the original equations and are normalizable. While for the non-relativistic equations these properties may not be surprising, it is remarkable that the same holds for the relativistic equations where the spectrum of the original relativistic operators does not have a lower bound. We demonstrate that starting from an arbitrary initialization of the iteration leads to the solution, as dictated by the properties of compact operators.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We prove the existence of infinitely many non square-integrable stationary solutions for a family of massless Dirac equations in 2D. They appear as effective equations in two dimensional honeycomb structures. We give a direct existence proof thanks t o a particular radial ansatz, which also allows to provide the exact asymptotic behavior of spinor components. Moreover, those solutions admit a variational characterization. We also indicate how the content of the present paper allows to extend our previous results for the massive case [5] to more general nonlinearities.
385 - Remi Carles 2008
In this survey, our aim is to emphasize the main known limitations to the use of Wigner measures for Schrodinger equations. After a short review of successful applications of Wigner measures to study the semi-classical limit of solutions to Schroding er equations, we list some examples where Wigner measures cannot be a good tool to describe high frequency limits. Typically, the Wigner measures may not capture effects which are not negligible at the pointwise level, or the propagation of Wigner measures may be an ill-posed problem. In the latter situation, two families of functions may have the same Wigner measures at some initial time, but different Wigner measures for a larger time. In the case of systems, this difficulty can partially be avoided by considering more refined Wigner measures such as two-scale Wigner measures; however, we give examples of situations where this quadratic approach fails.
In this work we study the Dirac equation with vector and scalar potentials in the spacetime generated by a cosmic string. Using an approximation for the centrifugal term, a solution for the radial differential equation is obtained. We consider the sc attering states under the Hulth{e}n potential and obtain the phase shifts. From the poles of the scattering $S$-matrix the states energies are determined as well.
229 - Nabile Boussaid 2011
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