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A Fokker-Planck Solver to Model MTJ Stochasticity

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 نشر من قبل Fernando Garc\\'ia-Redondo
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Magnetic Tunnel Junctions (MTJs) constitute the novel memory element in STT-MRAM, which is ramping to production at major foundries as an eFlash replacement. MTJ switching exhibits a stochastic behavior due to thermal fluctuations, which is modeled by s-LLGS and Fokker-Planck (FP) equations. This work implements and benchmarks Finite Volume Method (FVM) and analytical solvers for the FP equation. To deploy an MTJ model for circuit design, it must be calibrated against silicon data. To address this challenge, this work presents a regression scheme to fit MTJ parameters to a given set of measured current, switching time and error rate data points, yielding a silicon-calibrated model suitable for MRAM macro transient simulation.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

This paper presents a physics-based modeling framework for the analysis and transient simulation of circuits containing Spin-Transfer Torque (STT) Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) devices. The framework provides the tools to analyze the stochastic beha vior of MTJs and to generate Verilog-A compact models for their simulation in large VLSI designs, addressing the need for an industry-ready model accounting for real-world reliability and scalability requirements. Device dynamics are described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert-Slonczewsky (s-LLGS ) stochastic magnetization considering Voltage-Controlled Magnetic Anisotropy (VCMA) and the non-negligible statistical effects caused by thermal noise. Model behavior is validated against the OOMMF magnetic simulator and its performance is characterized on a 1-Mb 28 nm Magnetoresistive-RAM (MRAM) memory product.
495 - Julius Donnert 2014
Particle acceleration by turbulence plays a role in many astrophysical environments. The non- linear evolution of the underlying cosmic-ray spectrum is complex and can be described by a Fokker-Planck equation, which in general has to be solved numeri cally. We present here an implementation to compute the evolution of a cosmic-ray spectrum coupled to turbulence considering isotropic particle pitch-angle distributions and taking into account the relevant particle energy gains and losses. Our code can be used in run time and post-processing to very large astrophysical fluid simulations. We also propose a novel method to compress cosmic- ray spectra by a factor of ten, to ease the memory demand in very large simulations. We show a number of code tests, which firmly establish the correctness of the code. In this paper we focus on relativistic electrons, but our code and methods can be easily extended to the case of hadrons. We apply our pipeline to the relevant problem of particle acceleration in galaxy clusters. We define a sub-grid model for compressible MHD-turbulence in the intra- cluster-medium and calculate the corresponding reacceleration timescale from first principles. We then use a magneto-hydrodynamic simulation of an isolated cluster merger to follow the evolution of relativistic electron spectra and radio emission generated from the system over several Gyrs.
We report the performance characteristics of a notional Convolutional Neural Network based on the previously-proposed Multiply-Accumulate-Activate-Pool set, an MTJ-based spintronic circuit made to compute multiple neural functionalities in parallel. A study of image classification with the MNIST handwritten digits dataset using this network is provided via simulation. The effect of changing the weight representation precision, the severity of device process variation within the MAAP sets and the computational redundancy are provided. The emulated network achieves between 90 and 95% image classification accuracy at a cost of ~100 nJ per image.
We propose a new network architecture for standard spin-Hall magnetic tunnel junction-based spintronic neurons that allows them to compute multiple critical convolutional neural network functionalities simultaneously and in parallel, saving space and time. An approximation to the Rectified Linear Unit transfer function and the local pooling function are computed simultaneously with the convolution operation itself. A proof-of-concept simulation is performed on the MNIST dataset, achieving up to 98% accuracy at a cost of less than 1 nJ for all convolution, activation and pooling operations combined. The simulations are remarkably robust to thermal noise, performing well even with very small magnetic layers.
Energetic electrons are of interest in many types of plasmas, however previous modeling of their properties has been restricted to the use of linear Fokker-Planck collision operators or non-relativistic formulations. Here, we describe a fully non-lin ear kinetic-equation solver, capable of handling large electric-field strengths (compared to the Dreicer field) and relativistic temperatures. This tool allows modeling of the momentum-space dynamics of the electrons in cases where strong departures from Maxwellian distributions may arise. As an example, we consider electron runaway in magnetic-confinement fusion plasmas and describe a transition to electron slide-away at field strengths significantly lower than previously predicted.
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