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Application of efficient generator-coordinate subspace-selection algorithm to neutrinoless double-$beta$ decay

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 نشر من قبل Jonathan Engel
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The generator coordinate method begins with the variational construction of a set of non-orthogonal mean-field states that span a subspace of the full many-body Hilbert space. These states are then often projected onto states with good quantum numbers to restore symmetries, leading to a set with members that can be similar to one another, and it is sometimes possible to reduce this set without greatly affecting results. Here we propose a greedy algorithm that we call the energy-transition-orthogonality procedure (ENTROP) to select subsets of important states. As applied here, the approach selects on the basis of diagonal energy, orthogonality, and contribution to the matrix element that governs neutrinoless double-$beta$ decay. We present both shell-model and preliminary ab initio calculations of this matrix element for the decay of $^{76}$Ge, with quadrupole deformation parameters and the isoscalar pairing strength as generator coordinates. ENTROP converges quickly, reducing significantly the number of basis states needed for an accurate calculation.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We treat proton-neutron pairing amplitudes, in addition to the nuclear deformation, as generator coordinates in a calculation of the neutrinoless double-beta decay of 76Ge. We work in two oscillator shells, with a Hamiltonian that includes separable terms in the quadrupole, spin-isospin, and pairing (isovector and isoscalar) channels. Our approach allows larger single-particle spaces than the shell model and includes the important physics of the proton-neutron quasiparticle random-phase approximation (QRPA) without instabilities near phase transitions. After comparing the results of a simplified calculation that neglects deformation with those of the QRPA, we present a more realistic calculation with both deformation and proton-neutron pairing amplitudes as generator coordinates. The future should see proton-neutron coordinates used together with energy-density functionals.
The process at the heart of neutrinoless double-beta decay, $nn rightarrow p p, e^- e^-$ induced by a light Majorana neutrino, is investigated in pionless and chiral effective field theory. We show in various regularization schemes the need to introd uce a short-range lepton-number-violating operator at leading order, confirming earlier findings. We demonstrate that such a short-range operator is only needed in spin-singlet $S$-wave transitions, while leading-order transitions involving higher partial waves depend solely on long-range currents. Calculations are extended to include next-to-leading corrections in perturbation theory, where to this order no additional undetermined parameters appear. We establish a connection based on chiral symmetry between neutrinoless double-beta decay and nuclear charge-independence breaking induced by electromagnetism. Data on the latter confirm the need for a leading-order short-range operator, but do not allow for a full determination of the corresponding lepton-number-violating coupling. Using a crude estimate of this coupling, we perform ab initio calculations of the matrix elements for neutrinoless double-beta decay for $^6$He and $^{12}$Be. We speculate on the phenomenological impact of the leading short-range operator on the basis of these results.
Observation of neutrinoless double beta decay, a lepton number violating process that has been proposed to clarify the nature of neutrino masses, has spawned an enormous world-wide experimental effort. Relating nuclear decay rates to high-energy, bey ond the Standard Model (BSM) physics requires detailed knowledge of non-perturbative QCD effects. Using lattice QCD, we compute the necessary matrix elements of short-range operators, which arise due to heavy BSM mediators, that contribute to this decay via the leading order $pi^- to pi^+$ exchange diagrams. Utilizing our result and taking advantage of effective field theory methods will allow for model-independent calculations of the relevant two-nucleon decay, which may then be used as input for nuclear many-body calculations of the relevant experimental decays. Contributions from short-range operators may prove to be equally important to, or even more important than, those from long-range Majorana neutrino exchange.
We present the first ab initio calculations of neutrinoless double beta decay matrix elements in $A=6$-$12$ nuclei using Variational Monte Carlo wave functions obtained from the Argonne $v_{18}$ two-nucleon potential and Illinois-7 three-nucleon inte raction. We study both light Majorana neutrino exchange and potentials arising from a large class of multi-TeV mechanisms of lepton number violation. Our results provide benchmarks to be used in testing many-body methods that can be extended to the heavy nuclei of experimental interest. In light nuclei we have also studied the impact of two-body short range correlations and the use of different forms for the transition operators, such as those corresponding to different orders in chiral effective theory.
A new generation of neutrinoless double beta decay experiments with improved sensitivity is currently under design and construction. They will probe inverted hierarchy region of the neutrino mass pattern. There is also a revived interest to the reson ant neutrinoless double-electron capture, which has also a potential to probe lepton number conservation and to investigate the neutrino nature and mass scale. The primary concern are the nuclear matrix elements. Clearly, the accuracy of the determination of the effective Majorana neutrino mass from the measured 0 ubetabeta-decay half-life is mainly determined by our knowledge of the nuclear matrix elements. We review recent progress achieved in the calculation of 0 ubetabeta and 0 u ECEC nuclear matrix elements within the quasiparticle random phase approximation. A considered self-consistent approach allow to derive the pairing, residual interactions and the two-nucleon short-range correlations from the same modern realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials. The effect of nuclear deformation is taken into account. A possibility to evaluate 0 ubetabeta-decay matrix elements phenomenologically is discussed.
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