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Defects, modular differential equations, and free field realization of N = 4 VOAs

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 نشر من قبل Yiwen Pan
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث
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For all 4d $mathcal{N} = 4$ SYM theories with simple gauge groups $G$, we show that the residues of the integrands in the $mathcal{N} = 4$ Schur indices, which are related to Gukov-Witten type surface defects in the theories, equal the vacuum characters of rank$G$ copies of $bc beta gamma$ systems that provide the free field realization of associated $mathcal{N} = 4$ VOAs. This result predicts that these residues, as module characters, are additional solutions to the flavored modular differential equations satisfied by the original Schur index. The prediction is verified in the $G = SU(2)$ case, where an additional logarithmic solution is constructed.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We define Modular Linear Differential Equations (MLDE) for the level-two congruence subgroups $Gamma_vartheta$, $Gamma^0(2)$ and $Gamma_0(2)$ of $text{SL}_2(mathbb Z)$. Each subgroup corresponds to one of the spin structures on the torus. The pole st ructures of the fermionic MLDEs are investigated by exploiting the valence formula for the level-two congruence subgroups. We focus on the first and second order holomorphic MLDEs without poles and use them to find a large class of `Fermionic Rational Conformal Field Theories, which have non-negative integer coefficients in the $q$-series expansion of their characters. We study the detailed properties of these fermionic RCFTs, some of which are supersymmetric. This work also provides a starting point for the classification of the fermionic Modular Tensor Category.
We construct interpolating functions fully compatible with S-duality. We then consider the problem of resumming perturbative expansions for anomalous dimensions of low twist non-protected operators in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. When the rank of the gauge group is small, the interpolations suggest that anomalous dimensions of leading twist operators take their maximum value at the point $tau =exp(ipi/3)$. For fixed spin and large enough rank, there is a level-crossing region, where the anomalous dimension of the leading twist operator reaches its maximum and then bounces back.
N=4 superconformal multi-particle quantum mechanics on the real line is governed by two prepotentials, U and F, which obey a system of partial differential equations linear in U and generalizing the Witten-Dijkgraaf-Verlinde-Verlinde (WDVV) equation for F. Putting U=0 yields a class of models (with zero central charge) which are encoded by the finite Coxeter root systems. We extend these WDVV solutions F in two ways: the A_n system is deformed n-parametrically to the edge set of a general orthocentric n-simplex, and the BCF-type systems form one-parameter families. A classification strategy is proposed. A nonzero central charge requires turning on U in a given F background, which we show is outside of reach of the standard root-system ansatz for indecomposable systems of more than three particles. In the three-body case, however, this ansatz can be generalized to establish a series of nontrivial models based on the dihedral groups I_2(p), which are permutation symmetric if 3 divides p. We explicitly present their full prepotentials.
162 - M. Billo , M. Frau , F. Fucito 2014
We propose a modular anomaly equation for the prepotential of the N=2* super Yang-Mills theory on R^4 with gauge group U(N) in the presence of an Omega-background. We then study the behaviour of the prepotential in a large-N limit, in which N goes to infinity with the gauge coupling constant kept fixed. In this regime instantons are not suppressed. We focus on two representative choices of gauge theory vacua, where the vacuum expectation values of the scalar fields are distributed either homogeneously or according to the Wigner semi-circle law. In both cases we derive an all-instanton exact formula for the prepotential. As an application, we show that the gauge theory partition function on S^4 at large N localises around a Wigner distribution for the vacuum expectation values leading to a very simple expression in which the instanton contribution becomes independent of the coupling constant.
We study the consistency of four-point functions of half-BPS chiral primary operators of weight p in four-dimensional N=4 superconformal field theories. The resulting conformal bootstrap equations impose non-trivial bounds for the scaling dimension o f unprotected local operators transforming in various representations of the R-symmetry group. These bounds generalize recent bounds for operators in the singlet representation, arising from consistency of the four-point function of the stress-energy tensor multiplet.
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