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Singularity analysis and analytic solutions for the Benney-Gjevik equations

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 نشر من قبل Andronikos Paliathanasis
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We apply the Painleve Test for the Benney and the Benney-Gjevik equations which describe waves in falling liquids. We prove that these two nonlinear 1+1 evolution equations pass the singularity test for the travelling-wave solutions. The algebraic solutions in terms of Laurent expansions are presented.

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225 - Liming Ling , Xuan Sun 2021
We study the spectral (linear) stability and orbital (nonlinear) stability of the elliptic solutions for the focusing modified Korteweg-de Vries (mKdV) equation with respect to subharmonic perturbations and construct the corresponding breather soluti ons to exhibit the unstable or stable dynamic behavior. The elliptic function solutions of mKdV equation and the fundamental solutions of Lax pair are exactly represented by using the theta function. Based on the `modified squared wavefunction (MSW) method, we construct all linear independent solutions of the linearized KdV equation, and then provide a necessary and sufficient condition of the spectral stability for the elliptic function solutions with respect to subharmonic perturbations. In the case of spectrum stable, the orbital stability of the elliptic function solutions with respect to subharmonic perturbations is established under a suitable Hilbert space. Using Darboux-Backlund transformation, we construct the breather solutions to exhibit the unstable or stable dynamic behavior. Through analyzing the asymptotical behavior, we find the breather solution under the $mathrm{cn}$-background is equivalent to the elliptic function solution adding a small perturbation as $ttopminfty$.
We study higher order KdV equations from the GL(2,$mathbb{R}$) $cong$ SO(2,1) Lie group point of view. We find elliptic solutions of higher order KdV equations up to the ninth order. We argue that the main structure of the trigonometric/hyperbolic/el liptic $N$-soliton solutions for higher order KdV equations is the same as that of the original KdV equation. Pointing out that the difference is only the time dependence, we find $N$-soliton solutions of higher order KdV equations can be constructed from those of the original KdV equation by properly replacing the time-dependence. We discuss that there always exist elliptic solutions for all higher order KdV equations.
The theory of inverse scattering is developed to study the initial-value problem for the modified matrix Korteweg-de Vries (mmKdV) equation with the $2mtimes2m$ $(mgeq 1)$ Lax pairs under the nonzero boundary conditions at infinity. In the direct pro blem, by introducing a suitable uniform transformation we establish the proper complex $z$-plane in order to discuss the Jost eigenfunctions, scattering matrix and their analyticity and symmetry of the equation. Moreover the asymptotic behavior of the Jost functions and scattering matrix needed in the inverse problem are analyzed via Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin expansion. In the inverse problem, the generalized Riemann-Hilbert problem of the mmKdV equation is first established by using the analyticity of the modified eigenfunctions and scattering coefficients. The reconstruction formula of potential function with reflection-less case is derived by solving this Riemann-Hilbert problem and using the scattering data. In addition the dynamic behavior of the solutions for the focusing mmKdV equation including one- and two- soliton solutions are presented in detail under the the condition that the potential is scalar and the $2times2$ symmetric matrix. Finally, we provide some detailed proofs and weak version of trace formulas to show that the asymptotic phase of the potential and the scattering data.
We provide a construction of the two-component Camassa-Holm (CH-2) hierarchy employing a new zero-curvature formalism and identify and describe in detail the isospectral set associated to all real-valued, smooth, and bounded algebro-geometric solutio ns of the $n$th equation of the stationary CH-2 hierarchy as the real $n$-dimensional torus $mathbb{T}^n$. We employ Dubrovin-type equations for auxiliary divisors and certain aspects of direct and inverse spectral theory for self-adjoint singular Hamiltonian systems. In particular, we employ Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for singular (canonical) Hamiltonian systems. While we focus primarily on the case of stationary algebro-geometric CH-2 solutions, we note that the time-dependent case subordinates to the stationary one with respect to isospectral torus questions.
We obtain new gauge-invariant forms of two-dimensional integrable systems of nonlinear equations: the Sawada-Kotera and Kaup-Kuperschmidt system, the generalized system of dispersive long waves, and the Nizhnik-Veselov-Novikov system. We show how the se forms imply both new and well-known two-dimensional integrable nonlinear equations: the Sawada-Kotera equation, Kaup-Kuperschmidt equation, dispersive long-wave system, Nizhnik-Veselov-Novikov equation, and modified Nizhnik-Veselov-Novikov equation. We consider Miura-type transformations between nonlinear equations in different gauges.
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