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Digital-Analog Quantum Simulations Using The Cross-Resonance Effect

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 نشر من قبل Tasio Gonzalez-Raya
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Digital-analog quantum computation aims to reduce the currently infeasible resource requirements needed for near-term quantum information processing by replacing sequences of one- and two-qubit gates with a unitary transformation generated by the systems underlying Hamiltonian. Inspired by this paradigm, we consider superconducting architectures and extend the cross-resonance effect, up to first order in perturbation theory, from a two-qubit interaction to an analog Hamiltonian acting on 1D chains and 2D square lattices which, in an appropriate reference frame, results in a purely two-local Hamiltonian. By augmenting the analog Hamiltonian dynamics with single-qubit gates we show how one may generate a larger variety of distinct analog Hamiltonians. We then synthesize unitary sequences, in which we toggle between the various analog Hamiltonians as needed, simulating the dynamics of Ising, $XY$, and Heisenberg spin models. Our dynamics simulations are Trotter error-free for the Ising and $XY$ models in 1D. We also show that the Trotter errors for 2D $XY$ and 1D Heisenberg chains are reduced, with respect to a digital decomposition, by a constant factor. In order to realize these important near-term speedups, we discuss the practical considerations needed to accurately characterize and calibrate our analog Hamiltonians for use in quantum simulations. We conclude with a discussion of how the Hamiltonian toggling techniques could be extended to derive new analog Hamiltonians which may be of use in more complex digital-analog quantum simulations for various models of interacting spins.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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We consider the problem of mapping digital data encoded on a quantum register to analog amplitudes in parallel. It is shown to be unlikely that a fully unitary polynomial-time quantum algorithm exists for this problem; NP becomes a subset of BQP if i t exists. In the practical point of view, we propose a nonunitary linear-time algorithm using quantum decoherence. It tacitly uses an exponentially large physical resource, which is typically a huge number of identical molecules. Quantumness of correlation appearing in the process of the algorithm is also discussed.
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252 - J. Yu , J. C. Retamal , M. Sanz 2021
We propose a superconducting circuit architecture suitable for digital-analog quantum computing (DAQC) based on an enhanced NISQ family of nearest-neighbor interactions. DAQC makes a smart use of digital steps (single qubit rotations) and analog bloc ks (parametrized multiqubit operations) to outperform digital quantum computing algorithms. Our design comprises a chain of superconducting charge qubits coupled by superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs). Using magnetic flux control, we can activate/deactivate exchange interactions, double excitation/de-excitations, and others. As a paradigmatic example, we present an efficient simulation of an $elltimes h$ fermion lattice (with $2<ell leq h$), using only $2(2ell+1)^2+24$ analog blocks. The proposed architecture design is feasible in current experimental setups for quantum computing with superconducting circuits, opening the door to useful quantum advantage with fewer resources.
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