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Inertial and gravity wave transmissions near radiative-convective boundaries

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 نشر من قبل Tao Cai
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper, we study the inertial and gravity wave transmissions near the radiative-convective boundaries in the {it f}-plane. Two configurations have been considered: waves propagate from the convective layer to the radiative stratified stable layer, or In this paper, we study inertial and gravity wave transmissions near radiative-convective boundaries on the {it f}-plane. Two configurations have been considered: waves propagate from the convective layer to the radiative stratified stable layer, or the other way around. It has been found that waves prefer to survive at low latitudes when the stable layer is strongly stratified ($N^2/(2Omega)^2>1$). When the stable layer is weakly stratified ($N^2/(2Omega)^2<1$), however, waves can survive at any latitude if the meridional wavenumber is large. Then we have discussed transmission ratios for two buoyancy frequency structures: the uniform stratification, and the continuously varying stratification. For the uniform stratification, we have found that the transmission is efficient when the rotation is rapid, or when the wave is near the critical colatitude. For the continuously varying stratification, we have discussed the transmission ratio when the square of buoyancy frequency is an algebraic function $N^2propto z^{ u} ( u >0)$. We have found that the transmission can be efficient when the rotation is rapid, or when the wave is near the critical colatitude, or when the thickness of the stratification layer is far greater than the horizontal wave length. The transmission ratio does not depend on the configurations (radiative layer sits above convective layer, or vice versa; wave propagates outward or inward), but only on characteristics of the wave (frequency and wavenumber) and the fluid (degree of stratification).

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

126 - Tao Cai , Cong Yu , Xing Wei 2021
In this paper, we study wave transmission in a rotating fluid with multiple alternating convectively stable and unstable layers. We have discussed wave transmissions in two different circumstances: cases where the wave is propagative in each layer an d cases where wave tunneling occurs. We find that efficient wave transmission can be achieved by `resonant propagation or `resonant tunneling, even when stable layers are strongly stratified, and we call this phenomenon `enhanced wave transmission. Enhanced wave transmission only occurs when the total number of layers is odd (embedding stable layers are alternatingly embedded within clamping convective layers, or vise versa). For wave propagation, the occurrence of enhanced wave transmission requires that clamping layers have similar properties, the thickness of each clamping layer is close to a multiple of the half wavelength of the corresponding propagative wave, and the total thickness of embedded layers is close to a multiple of the half wavelength of the corresponding propagating wave (resonant propagation). For wave tunneling, we have considered two cases: tunneling of gravity waves and tunneling of inertial waves. In both cases, efficient tunneling requires that clamping layers have similar properties, the thickness of each embedded layer is much smaller than the corresponding e-folding decay distance, and the thickness of each clamping layer is close to a multiple-and-a-half of half wavelength (resonant tunneling).
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