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Simulations of M87 and Sgr A* Imaging with the Millimetron Space Observatory on near-Earth orbits

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 نشر من قبل Alexey Rudnitskiy
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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High resolution imaging of supermassive black holes shadows is a direct way to verify the theory of general relativity at extreme gravity conditions. Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations at millimeter/sub-millimeter wavelengths can provide such angular resolution for supermassive black holes, located in Sgr A* and M87. Recent VLBI observations of M87 with the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has shown such capabilities. The maximum obtainable spatial resolution of EHT is limited by Earth diameter and atmospheric phase variations. In order to improve the image resolution longer baselines are required. Radioastron space mission has successfully demonstrated the capabilities of Space-Earth VLBI with baselines much larger than Earth diameter. Millimetron is a next space mission of the Russian Space Agency that will operate at millimeter wavelengths. Nominal orbit of the observatory will be located around Lagrangian L2 point of the Sun-Earth system. In order to optimize the VLBI mode, we consider a possible second stage of the mission that could use near-Earth high elliptical orbit (HEO). In this contribution a set of near-Earth orbits is used for the synthetic space-ground VLBI observations of Sgr A* and M87 in joint Millimetron and EHT configuration. General-relativistic magnetohydrodynamic models (GRMHD) for black hole environment of Sgr A* and M87 are used for static and dynamic imaging simulations at 230 GHz. A comparison preformed between ground and space-ground baselines demonstrates that joint observations with Millimetron and EHT significantly improve the image resolution and allow the EHT+Millimetron to obtain snapshot images of Sgr A* probing dynamics at fast timescales.

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This paper describes outstanding issues in astrophysics and cosmology that can be solved by astronomical observations in a broad spectral range from far infrared to millimeter wavelengths. The discussed problems related to the formation of stars and planets, galaxies and the interstellar medium, studies of black holes and the development of the cosmological model can be addressed by the planned space observatory Millimetron (the Spectr-M project) equipped with a cooled 10-m mirror. Millimetron can operate both as a single-dish telescope and as a part of a space-ground interferometer with very long baseline.
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148 - T. Karalidi , D.M. Stam , F. Snik 2012
The detections of small, rocky exoplanets have surged in recent years and will likely continue to do so. To know whether a rocky exoplanet is habitable, we have to characterise its atmosphere and surface. A promising characterisation method for rocky exoplanets is direct detection using spectropolarimetry. This method will be based on single pixel signals, because spatially resolving exoplanets is impossible with current and near-future instruments. Well-tested retrieval algorithms are essential to interpret these single pixel signals in terms of atmospheric composition, cloud and surface coverage. Observations of Earth itself provide the obvious benchmark data for testing such algorithms. The observations should provide signals that are integrated over the Earths disk, that capture day and night variations, and all phase angles. The Moon is a unique platform from where the Earth can be observed as an exoplanet, undisturbed, all of the time. Here, we present LOUPE, the Lunar Observatory for Unresolved Polarimetry of Earth, a small and robust spectropolarimeter to observe our Earth as an exoplanet.
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The Galactic Center black hole Sagittarius A* is a variable NIR source that exhibits bright flux excursions called flares. The low-flux density turnover of the flux distribution is below the sensitivity of current single-aperture telescopes. We use t he unprecedented resolution of the GRAVITY instrument at the VLTI. Our light curves are unconfused, overcoming the confusion limit of previous photometric studies. We analyze the light curves using standard statistical methods and obtain the flux distribution. We find that the flux distribution of SgrA* turns over at a median flux density of (1.1pm0.3)mJy. We measure the percentiles of the flux distribution and use them to constrain the NIR K-band SED. Furthermore, we find that the flux distribution is intrinsically right-skewed to higher flux density in log space. Flux densities below 0.1mJy are hardly ever observed. In consequence, a single powerlaw or lognormal distribution does not suffice to describe the observed flux distribution in its entirety. However, if one takes into account a power law component at high flux densities, a lognormal distribution can describe the lower end of the observed flux distribution. We confirm the RMS-flux relation for Sgr~A* and find it to be linear for all flux densities in our observation. We conclude that Sgr~A* has two states: the bulk of the emission is generated in a lognormal process with a well-defined median flux density and this quiescent emission is supplemented by sporadic flares that create the observed power law extension of the flux distribution.
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