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Review of scientific topics for Millimetron space observatory

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 نشر من قبل Sergey Pilipenko
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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This paper describes outstanding issues in astrophysics and cosmology that can be solved by astronomical observations in a broad spectral range from far infrared to millimeter wavelengths. The discussed problems related to the formation of stars and planets, galaxies and the interstellar medium, studies of black holes and the development of the cosmological model can be addressed by the planned space observatory Millimetron (the Spectr-M project) equipped with a cooled 10-m mirror. Millimetron can operate both as a single-dish telescope and as a part of a space-ground interferometer with very long baseline.

قيم البحث

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In this contribution a primary feasibility study of different orbital configurations for Millimetron space observatory is presented. Priority factors and limitations were considered by which it is possible to assess the capabilities of a particular o rbit. It included technical and scientific capabilities of each orbit regarding the fuel costs, satellite observability, the quality of very long baseline interferometric (VLBI) imaging observations and source visibilities.
100 - Ilana Harrus 2015
In this article we wish to provide a common set of best practice approaches that should be considered for all effective research grant proposal reviews. The federal government performs a critical role in American competitiveness and security by suppo rting basic research funded with taxpayer dollars. Effectively managing their allocation to scientists and researchers is a noble and crucial mission for advancing fundamental knowledge and deserves a heightened attention. Ensuring that proposals submitted are treated fairly and transparently is essential to both the health of any research program and also a duty to the public who ultimately funds the research. The paper describes the general requirements of a review process and at each step underlines the issues and suggests potential improvements and some fundamental requirements that should be included in any scientific review. We also included a series of tips geared to the scientific community. Our goals in this paper are 1) to demystify the process for everyone including policy makers who are sometimes flummoxed by the results of some scientific reviews, 2) to trigger some discussions about reviews and review process in the scientific community, 3) to inform scientists whose careers are directly impacted by review results about their own role in this process and 4) to suggest a road to more efficient, fairer and overall more transparent process. For experts in proposal reviews or for busy or impatient readers, the entire list of our recommendations is presented at the beginning. We describe in each section the context and rational of each recommendation.
The Cerro Chajnantor Atacama Telescope-prime (CCAT-prime) is a new 6-m, off-axis, low-emissivity, large field-of-view submillimeter telescope scheduled for first light in the last quarter of 2021. In summary, (a) CCAT-prime uniquely combines a large field-of-view (up to 8-deg), low emissivity telescope (< 2%) and excellent atmospheric transmission (5600-m site) to achieve unprecedented survey capability in the submillimeter. (b) Over five years, CCAT-prime first generation science will address the physics of star formation, galaxy evolution, and galaxy cluster formation; probe the re-ionization of the Universe; improve constraints on new particle species; and provide for improved removal of dust foregrounds to aid the search for primordial gravitational waves. (c) The Observatory is being built with non-federal funds (~ $40M in private and international investments). Public funding is needed for instrumentation (~ $8M) and operations ($1-2M/yr). In return, the community will be able to participate in survey planning and gain access to curated data sets. (d) For second generation science, CCAT-prime will be uniquely positioned to contribute high-frequency capabilities to the next generation of CMB surveys in partnership with the CMB-S4 and/or the Simons Observatory projects or revolutionize wide-field, sub-millimetter line intensity mapping surveys.
We propose a new mission called Space Project for Astrophysical and Cosmological Exploration (SPACE) as part on the ESA long term planning Voyage 2050 programme. SPACE will study galaxy evolution at the earliest times, with the key goals of charting the formation of the heavy elements, measuring the evolution of the galaxy luminosity function, tracing the build-up of stellar mass in galaxies over cosmic time, and finding the first super-massive black holes (SMBHs) to form. The mission will exploit a unique region of the parameter space, between the narrow ultra-deep surveys with HST and JWST, and shallow wide-field surveys such as Roman Space Telescope and EUCLID, and should yield by far the largest sample of any current or planned mission of very high redshift galaxies at z > 10 which are sufficiently bright for detailed follow-up spectroscopy. Crucially, we propose a wide-field spectroscopic near-IR + mid-IR capability which will greatly enhance our understanding of the first galaxies by detecting and identifying a statistical sample of the first galaxies and the first SMBH, and to chart the metal enrichment history of galaxies in the early Universe - potentially finding signatures of the very first stars to form from metal-free primordial gas. The wide-field and wavelength range of SPACE will also provide us a unique opportunity to study star formation by performing a wide survey of the Milky Way in the near-IR + mid-IR. This science project can be enabled either by a stand-alone ESA-led M mission or by an instrument for an L mission (with ESA and/or NASA, JAXA and other international space agencies) with a wide-field (sub-)millimetre capability at wavelength > 500 microns.
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