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The variable and non-variable X-ray absorbers in Compton-thin type-II Active Galactic Nuclei

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 نشر من قبل Sibasish Laha
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We have conducted an extensive X-ray spectral variability study of a sample of 20 Compton-thin type II galaxies using broad band spectra from XMM-Newton, Chandra, and Suzaku. The aim is to study the variability of the neutral intrinsic X-ray obscuration along the line of sight and investigate the properties and location of the dominant component of the X-ray-obscuring gas. The observations are sensitive to absorption columns of $N_{rm H} sim 10^{20.5-24} {rm cm^{-2}}$ of fully- and partially-covering neutral and/or lowly-ionized gas on timescales spanning days to well over a decade. We detected variability in the column density of the full-covering absorber in 7/20 sources, on timescales of months-years, indicating a component of compact-scale X-ray-obscuring gas lying along the line of sight of each of these objects. Our results imply that torus models incorporating clouds or overdense regions should account for line of sight column densities as low as $sim$ a few $times 10^{21}$ cm$^{-2}$. However, 13/20 sources yielded no detection of significant variability in the full-covering obscurer, with upper limits to ${Delta}N_{rm H}$ spanning $10^{21-23}$ cm$^{-2}$. The dominant absorbing media in these systems could be distant, such as kpc-scale dusty structures associated with the host galaxy, or a homogeneous medium along the line of sight. Thus, we find that overall, strong variability in full-covering obscurers is not highly prevalent in Compton-thin type IIs, at least for our sample, in contrast to previous results in the literature. Finally, 11/20 sources required a partial-covering, obscuring component in all or some of their observations, consistent with clumpy near-Compton-thick compact-scale gas.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Recent time-resolved spectral studies of a few Active Galactic Nuclei in hard X-rays revealed occultations of the X-ray primary source probably by Broad Line Region (BLR) clouds. An important open question on the structure of the circumnuclear medium of AGN is whether this phenomenon is common, i.e. whether a significant fraction of the X-ray absorption in AGN is due to BLR clouds. Here we present the first attempt to perform this kind of analysis in a homogeneous way, on a statistically representative sample of AGN, consisting of the ~40 brightest sources with long XMM-Newton and/or Suzaku observations. We describe our method, based on a simple analysis of hardness-ratio light curves, and its validation through a complete spectroscopic analysis of a few cases. We find that X-ray eclipses, most probably due to clouds at the distance of the BLR, are common in sources where the expected occultation time is compatible with the observation time, while they are not found in sources with longer estimated occultation times. Overall, our results show that occultations by BLR clouds may be responsible for most of the observed X-ray spectral variability at energies higher than 2 keV, on time scales longer than a few ks.
Most investigations of the X-ray variability of active galactic nuclei (AGN) have been concentrated on the detailed analyses of individual, nearby sources. A relatively small number of studies have treated the ensemble behaviour of the more general A GN population in wider regions of the luminosity-redshift plane. We want to determine the ensemble variability properties of a rich AGN sample, called Multi-Epoch XMM Serendipitous AGN Sample (MEXSAS), extracted from the fifth release of the XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalogue (XMMSSC-DR5), with redshift between 0.1 and 5, and X-ray luminosities in the 0.5-4.5 keV band between 10^42 and 10^47 erg/s. We urge caution on the use of the normalised excess variance (NXS), noting that it may lead to underestimate variability if used improperly. We use the structure function (SF), updating our previous analysis for a smaller sample. We propose a correction to the NXS variability estimator, accounting for the light curve duration in the rest frame on the basis of the knowledge of the variability behaviour gained by SF studies. We find an ensemble increase of the X-ray variability with the rest-frame time lag tau, given by tau^0.12. We confirm an inverse dependence on the X-ray luminosity, approximately as L_X^-0.19. We analyse the SF in different X-ray bands, finding a dependence of the variability on the frequency as nu^-0.15, corresponding to a softer when brighter trend. In turn, this dependence allows us to parametrically correct the variability estimated in observer-frame bands to that in the rest frame, resulting in a moderate shift upwards (V-correction). Ensemble X-ray variability of AGNs is best described by the structure function. An improper use of the normalised excess variance may lead to an underestimate of the intrinsic variability, so that appropriate corrections to the data or the models must be applied to prevent these effects.
155 - S. F. Hoenig 2013
X-ray surveys have revealed a new class of active galactic nuclei (AGN) with a very low observed fraction of scattered soft X-rays, f_scat < 0.5%. Based on X-ray modeling these X-ray new-type, or low observed X-ray scattering (hereafter:low-scatterin g) sources have been interpreted as deeply-buried AGN with a high covering factor of gas. In this paper we address the questions whether the host galaxies of low-scattering AGN may contribute to the observed X-ray properties, and whether we can find any direct evidence for high covering factors from the infrared (IR) emission. We find that X-ray low-scattering AGN are preferentially hosted by highly-inclined galaxies or merger systems as compared to other Seyfert galaxies, increasing the likelihood that the line-of-sight toward the AGN intersects with high columns of host-galactic gas and dust. Moreover, while a detailed analysis of the IR emission of low-scattering AGN ESO 103-G35 remains inconclusive, we do not find any indication of systematically higher dust covering factors in a sample of low-scattering AGN based on their IR emission. For ESO 103-G35, we constrained the temperature, mass and location of the IR emitting dust which is consistent with expectations for the dusty torus. However, a deep silicate absorption feature probably from much cooler dust suggests an additional screen absorber on larger scales within the host galaxy. Taking these findings together, we propose that the low f_scat observed in low-scattering AGN is not necessarily the result of circumnuclear dust but could originate from interference of host-galactic gas with a column density of the order of 10^22 cm^-2 with the line-of-sight. We discuss implications of this hypothesis for X-ray models, high-ionization emission lines, and observed star-formation activity in these objects.
The highly energetic outflows from Active Galactic Nuclei detected in X-rays are one of the most powerful mechanisms by which the central supermassive black hole (SMBH) interacts with the host galaxy. The last two decades of high resolution X-ray spe ctroscopy with XMM and Chandra have improved our understanding of the nature of these outflowing ionized absorbers and we are now poised to take the next giant leap with higher spectral resolution and higher throughput observatories to understand the physics and impact of these outflows on the host galaxy gas. The future studies on X-ray outflows not only have the potential to unravel some of the currently outstanding puzzles in astronomy, such as the physical basis behind the MBH$-sigma$ relation, the cooling flow problem in intra-cluster medium (ICM), and the evolution of the quasar luminosity function across cosmic timescales, but also provide rare insights into the dynamics and nature of matter in the immediate vicinity of the SMBH. Higher spectral resolution ($le 0.5$ eV at $1$ keV) observations will be required to identify individual absorption lines and study the asymmetries and shifts in the line profiles revealing important information about outflow structures and their impact. Higher effective area ($ge 1000 rm ,cm^{2}$) will be required to study the outflows in distant quasars, particularly at the quasar peak era (redshift $1le zle 3$) when the AGN population was the brightest. Thus, it is imperative that we develop next generation X-ray telescopes with high spectral resolution and high throughput for unveiling the properties and impact of highly energetic X-ray outflows. A simultaneous high resolution UV + X-ray mission will encompass the crucial AGN ionizing continuum, and also characterize the simultaneous detections of UV and X-ray outflows, which map different spatial scales along the line of sight.
We present X-ray bolometric correction factors, $kappa_{Bol}$ ($equiv L_{Bol}/L_X$), for Compton-thick (CT) active galactic nuclei (AGN) with the aim of testing AGN torus models, probing orientation effects, and estimating the bolometric output of th e most obscured AGN. We adopt bolometric luminosities, $L_{Bol}$, from literature infrared (IR) torus modeling and compile published intrinsic 2--10 keV X-ray luminosities, $L_{X}$, from X-ray torus modeling of NuSTAR data. Our sample consists of 10 local CT AGN where both of these estimates are available. We test for systematic differences in $kappa_{Bol}$ values produced when using two widely used IR torus models and two widely used X-ray torus models, finding consistency within the uncertainties. We find that the mean $kappa_{Bol}$ of our sample in the range $L_{Bol}approx10^{42}-10^{45}$ erg/s is log$_{10}kappa_{Bol}=1.44pm0.12$ with an intrinsic scatter of $sim0.2$ dex, and that our derived $kappa_{Bol}$ values are consistent with previously established relationships between $kappa_{Bol}$ and $L_{Bol}$ and $kappa_{Bol}$ and Eddington ratio. We investigate if $kappa_{Bol}$ is dependent on $N_H$ by comparing our results on CT AGN to published results on less-obscured AGN, finding no significant dependence. Since many of our sample are megamaser AGN, known to be viewed edge-on, and furthermore under the assumptions of AGN unification whereby unobscured AGN are viewed face-on, our result implies that the X-ray emitting corona is not strongly anisotropic. Finally, we present $kappa_{Bol}$ values for CT AGN identified in X-ray surveys as a function of their observed $L_X$, where an estimate of their intrinsic $L_{X}$ is not available, and redshift, useful for estimating the bolometric output of the most obscured AGN across cosmic time.
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