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DANTE: A framework for mining and monitoring darknet traffic

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 نشر من قبل Dvir Cohen
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Trillions of network packets are sent over the Internet to destinations which do not exist. This darknet traffic captures the activity of botnets and other malicious campaigns aiming to discover and compromise devices around the world. In order to mine threat intelligence from this data, one must be able to handle large streams of logs and represent the traffic patterns in a meaningful way. However, by observing how network ports (services) are used, it is possible to capture the intent of each transmission. In this paper, we present DANTE: a framework and algorithm for mining darknet traffic. DANTE learns the meaning of targeted network ports by applying Word2Vec to observed port sequences. Then, when a host sends a new sequence, DANTE represents the transmission as the average embedding of the ports found that sequence. Finally, DANTE uses a novel and incremental time-series cluster tracking algorithm on observed sequences to detect recurring behaviors and new emerging threats. To evaluate the system, we ran DANTE on a full year of darknet traffic (over three Tera-Bytes) collected by the largest telecommunications provider in Europe, Deutsche Telekom and analyzed the results. DANTE discovered 1,177 new emerging threats and was able to track malicious campaigns over time. We also compared DANTE to the current best approach and found DANTE to be more practical and effective at detecting darknet traffic patterns.

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In this paper, we present three datasets that have been built from network traffic traces using ASNM features, designed in our previous work. The first dataset was built using a state-of-the-art dataset called CDX 2009, while the remaining two datase ts were collected by us in 2015 and 2018, respectively. These two datasets contain several adversarial obfuscation techniques that were applied onto malicious as well as legitimate traffic samples during the execution of particular TCP network connections. Adversarial obfuscation techniques were used for evading machine learning-based network intrusion detection classifiers. Further, we showed that the performance of such classifiers can be improved when partially augmenting their training data by samples obtained from obfuscation techniques. In detail, we utilized tunneling obfuscation in HTTP(S) protocol and non-payload-based obfuscations modifying various properties of network traffic by, e.g., TCP segmentation, re-transmissions, corrupting and reordering of packets, etc. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first collection of network traffic metadata that contains adversarial techniques and is intended for non-payload-based network intrusion detection and adversarial classification. Provided datasets enable testing of the evasion resistance of arbitrary classifier that is using ASNM features.
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