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A new probe to study symmetry energy at low density by deuteron breakup reaction

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 نشر من قبل Li Ou
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The reactions of nucleon and polarized deuteron scattered off a heavy target at large impact parameter with intermediate energies have been investigated by using the improved quantum molecular dynamics model. It is found that, due to the difference effect of isovector potential on proton and neutron, there is a significant difference between the angle distribution of elastic scattering protons and neutrons. To overcome the lack of monochromatic neutron beam, the reaction of polarized deuteron peripherally scattered off the heavy target is used to replace the reaction of individual proton and neutron scattered off heavy target to study the isospin effect. It is found that the distributions of elastic scattering angle of proton and neutron originating from the breakup of deuteron are very similar to the results of the individual proton- and neutron-induced reaction. A new probe more effective and more clean, namely the difference between elastic scattering angle of proton and neutron originating from the breakup of polarized deuteron, is promoted to constrain the symmetry energy at subsaturation density.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We discuss the quasi-adiabatic approximations to the three-body wavefunction in breakup processes, clarifying the assumptions underlying the model. This suggests alternative approximation schemes. Using different theoretical three-body models, calcul ated differential cross section angular distributions for the Be-11(p,d) reaction,for which new preliminary data have been reported at 35 MeV, are presented. We show that calculations are sensitive to the inclusion of deuteron breakup and to the breakup model used, particularly if used to deduce absolute spectroscopic information on the 0{+} and 2{+} Be-10 core state parentages. There is also considerable sensitivity to the model used in calculations of the relative cross sections to the two states.
We re-examine the deuteron elastic breakup cross sections on 12C and 10Be at low incident energies, for which a serious discrepancy between the continuum-discretized coupled-channels method (CDCC) and the Faddeev-Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas theory (FAGS) was pointed out. We show the closed-channels neglected in the preceding study affect significantly the breakup cross section calculated with CDCC, resulting in good agreement with the result of FAGS.
144 - Alexis Diaz-Torres 2010
Atomic nuclei are complex, quantum many-body systems whose structure manifests itself through intrinsic quantum states associated with different excitation modes or degrees of freedom. Collective modes (vibration and/or rotation) dominate at low ener gy (near the ground-state). The associated states are usually employed, within a truncated model space, as a basis in (coherent) coupled channels approaches to low-energy reaction dynamics. However, excluded states can be essential, and their effects on the open (nuclear) system dynamics are usually treated through complex potentials. Is this a complete description of open system dynamics? Does it include effects of quantum decoherence? Can decoherence be manifested in reaction observables? In this contribution, I discuss these issues and the main ideas of a coupled-channels density-matrix approach that makes it possible to quantify the role and importance of quantum decoherence in low-energy nuclear reaction dynamics. Topical applications, which refer to understanding the astrophysically important collision $^{12}$C + $^{12}$C and achieving a unified quantum dynamical description of relevant reaction processes of weakly-bound nuclei, are highlighted.
100 - M. Avrigeanu , V. Avrigeanu 2017
Comparative assessment of the total breakup proton-emission cross sections measured for 56 MeV deuteron interaction with target nuclei from $^{12}$C to $^{209}$Bi, with an empirical parametrization and recently calculated microscopic neutron-removal cross sections has been done at the same time with similar data measured at 15, 25.5, 70, and 80 MeV. Comparable mass dependances of the elastic-breakup (EB) cross sections provided by the empirical parametrization and the microscopic results have been also found at the deuteron energy of 56 MeV, while the assessment of absolute-values variance up to a factor of two has been not possible due to the lack of EB measurements at energies higher than 25.5 MeV. While the similarities represent an additional validation of the microscopic calculations, the cross-section difference should be considered within the objectives of further measurements.
163 - A. Deltuva , A. C. Fonseca 2015
Deuteron-deuteron elastic scattering and transfer reactions in the energy regime above four-nucleon breakup threshold are described by solving exact four-particle equations for transition operators. Several realistic nuclear interaction models are us ed, including the one with effective many-nucleon forces generated by the explicit $Delta$-isobar excitation; the Coulomb force between protons is taken into account as well. Differential cross sections, deuteron analyzing powers, outgoing nucleon polarization, and deuteron-to-neutron polarization transfer coefficients are calculated at 10 MeV deuteron energy. Overall good agreement with the experimental data is found. The importance of breakup channels is demonstrated.
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