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Significance Of Deuteron Breakup In A Halo Transfer Reaction

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 نشر من قبل Mustafa Yilmaz
 تاريخ النشر 2001
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We discuss the quasi-adiabatic approximations to the three-body wavefunction in breakup processes, clarifying the assumptions underlying the model. This suggests alternative approximation schemes. Using different theoretical three-body models, calculated differential cross section angular distributions for the Be-11(p,d) reaction,for which new preliminary data have been reported at 35 MeV, are presented. We show that calculations are sensitive to the inclusion of deuteron breakup and to the breakup model used, particularly if used to deduce absolute spectroscopic information on the 0{+} and 2{+} Be-10 core state parentages. There is also considerable sensitivity to the model used in calculations of the relative cross sections to the two states.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We investigate the sensitivity of the non-exclusive nucleon induced deuteron breakup reaction to the three-nucleon interaction and distributions of three-nucleon force effects in inclusive spectra. To this end we solve the three-nucleon Faddeev equat ion at a number of incoming nucleon laboratory energies using the CD Bonn nucleon-nucleon interaction alone or combined with the 2{pi}-exchange Tucson-Melbourne three-nucleon force. Based on these solutions energy spectra of an outgoing nucleon, at a specified detection angle as well as spectra integrated over that angle, are calculated. By integrating the spectra at a given angle over the energy of the outgoing nucleon the angular distributions of three-nucleon force effects in the breakup process are additionally obtained. Contrary to elastic nucleon-deuteron scattering, where at higher energies significant three-nucleon force effects were encountered for scattering angles around the minimum of the cross section, for the breakup process only moderate effects are found and they are restricted to forward angles. Results of the present investigation show that the large three-nucleon force effects found for some specific complete breakup configurations are reduced substantially in the incomplete spectra when averaging over contributing complete geometries is performed.
73 - Xiao Liang , Li Ou , Zhigang Xiao 2019
The reactions of nucleon and polarized deuteron scattered off a heavy target at large impact parameter with intermediate energies have been investigated by using the improved quantum molecular dynamics model. It is found that, due to the difference e ffect of isovector potential on proton and neutron, there is a significant difference between the angle distribution of elastic scattering protons and neutrons. To overcome the lack of monochromatic neutron beam, the reaction of polarized deuteron peripherally scattered off the heavy target is used to replace the reaction of individual proton and neutron scattered off heavy target to study the isospin effect. It is found that the distributions of elastic scattering angle of proton and neutron originating from the breakup of deuteron are very similar to the results of the individual proton- and neutron-induced reaction. A new probe more effective and more clean, namely the difference between elastic scattering angle of proton and neutron originating from the breakup of polarized deuteron, is promoted to constrain the symmetry energy at subsaturation density.
131 - A. Deltuva , A. C. Fonseca 2015
Deuteron-deuteron elastic scattering and transfer reactions in the energy regime above four-nucleon breakup threshold are described by solving exact four-particle equations for transition operators. Several realistic nuclear interaction models are us ed, including the one with effective many-nucleon forces generated by the explicit $Delta$-isobar excitation; the Coulomb force between protons is taken into account as well. Differential cross sections, deuteron analyzing powers, outgoing nucleon polarization, and deuteron-to-neutron polarization transfer coefficients are calculated at 10 MeV deuteron energy. Overall good agreement with the experimental data is found. The importance of breakup channels is demonstrated.
The hadron-deuteron correlation function has attracted many interests as a potential method to access the three-hadron interactions. However, the weakly-bound nature of deuteron has not been considered in the preceding studies. In this study, the bre akup effect of deuteron on the deuteron-$Xi^-$ ($d$-$Xi^-$) correlation function $C_{dXi^-}$ is investigated. The $d$-$Xi^-$ scattering is described by a nucleon-nucleon-$Xi$ three-body reaction model. The continuum-discretized coupled-channels method, which is a fully quantum-mechanical and non-perturbative reaction model, is adopted. $C_{dXi^-}$ turns out to be sensitive to the strong interaction and enhanced by the deuteron breakup effect by 6--8 % for the $d$-$Xi^-$ relative momentum below about 70 MeV/$c$. Low-lying neutron-neutron continuum states are responsible for this enhancement. Within the adopted model, the deuteron breakup effect on $C_{dXi^-}$ is found to be appreciable but not very significant. Except for the enhancement by several percent, studies on $C_{dXi^-}$ without the deuteron breakup effect can be justified.
537 - W. Parol , A. Kozela , K. Bodek 2020
Differential cross sections for deuteron breakup $^{1}H(d, pp)n$ reaction were measured for a large set of 243 geometrical configurations at the beam energy of 80 MeV/nucleon. The cross section data are normalized by the luminosity factor obtained on the basis of simultaneous measurement of elastic scattering channel and the existing cross section data for this process. The results are compared to the theoretical calculations modeling nuclear interaction with and without taking into account the three-nucleon force (3NF) and Coulomb interaction. In the validated region of the phase space both the Coulomb force and 3NF play an important role in a good description of the data. There are also regions, where the improvements of description due to including 3NF are not sufficient.
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