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T^3-Stern-Gerlach Matter-Wave Interferometer

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 نشر من قبل Ron Folman
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a unique matter-wave interferometer whose phase scales with the cube of the time the atom spends in the interferometer. Our scheme is based on a full-loop Stern-Gerlach interferometer incorporating four magnetic field gradient pulses to create a state-dependent force. In contrast to typical atom interferometers which make use of laser light for the splitting and recombination of the wave packets, this realization uses no light and can therefore serve as a high-precision surface probe at very close distances.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present a feasibility study with several magnetic field configurations for creating spin-dependent forces that can split a low-energy ion beam by the Stern-Gerlach effect. To the best of our knowledge, coherent spin-splittings of charged particles have yet to be realised. Our proposal is based on ion source parameters taken from a recent experiment that demonstrated single-ion implantation from a high-brightness ion source combined with a radio-frequency Paul trap. The inhomogeneous magnetic fields can be created by permanently magnetised microstructures or from current-carrying wires with sizes in the micron range, such as those recently used in a successful implementation of the Stern-Gerlach effect with neutral atoms. All relevant forces (Lorentz force and image charges) are taken into account, and measurable splittings are found by analytical and numerical calculations.
The quantum mechanical propagator of a massive particle in a linear gravitational potential derived already in 1927 by Earle H. Kennard cite{Kennard,Kennard2} contains a phase that scales with the third power of the time $T$ during which the particle experiences the corresponding force. Since in conventional atom interferometers the internal atomic states are all exposed to the same acceleration $a$, this $T^3$-phase cancels out and the interferometer phase scales as $T^2$. In contrast, by applying an external magnetic field we prepare two different accelerations $a_1$ and $a_2$ for two internal states of the atom, which translate themselves into two different cubic phases and the resulting interferometer phase scales as $T^3$. We present the theoretical background for, and summarize our progress towards experimentally realizing such a novel atom interferometer.
We design a Stern-Gerlach apparatus that separates quasispin components on the lattice, without the use of external fields. The effect is engineered using intrinsic parameters, such as hopping amplitudes and on-site potentials. A theoretical descript ion of the apparatus relying on a generalized Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation beyond Dirac points is given. Our results are verified numerically by means of wavepacket evolution, including an analysis of Zitterbewegung on the lattice. The necessary tools for microwave realizations, such as complex hopping amplitudes and chiral effects, are simulated.
We describe an interactive computer program that simulates Stern-Gerlach measurements on spin-1/2 and spin-1 particles. The user can design and run experiments involving successive spin measurements, illustrating incompatible observables, interferenc e, and time evolution. The program can be used by students at a variety of levels, from non-science majors in a general interest course to physics majors in an upper-level quantum mechanics course. We give suggested homework exercises using the program at various levels.
300 - C. Tschalaer 2013
The relativistic Lagrangian for a spinning particle in an electromagnetic field is derived from the known Lagrangian in the particles rest frame. The resulting relativistic Stern-Gerlach and Thomas precession forces on the particle are then derived f rom the Lagrangian in the laboratory frame. In particular, the longitudinal component of this combined Stern-Gerlach-Thomas force does not contain a term proportional to gamma-squared as was claimed in a previous derivation [1].
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